I'm being self indulgent

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I'm so excited about finally getting a greenhouse that I just had to post something about it. It does seem self indulgent to me for me to post, but I figured that if anyone could appreciate the thrill, someone here would!

This is a photo of the site as it is being prepared. It will only be a small (7'x12') lean-to, but that's all I have space for. The green lines mark the outer boundary. As I make progress, I'll add more photos.

Thanks for letting me gloat.

Thumbnail by dogbane
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I totally understand the feeling!!! I was never more thrilled than when we got started. Good luck and look forward to more pictures:) (and welcome to DG)

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Hey don't knock it dogbane,
...Not many of us get to build a GH with running water installed already...lol. Good spot!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am more green than that paint, WITH ENVY! LOL How much will you use it in your zone? It amazes me that warm zones get snow and even frosts. I guess it shouldn't but it does! :) Congrats to you!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Congratulations! What a great spot with your water supply already there!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

You know, I hadn't even thought of the advantage of already having the spigot there! It really is the only spot I can place it.

Badseed, it's not so much actual snow that I want this for, but we do sometimes get it. More often we'll have just a few days a year with light frosts. I'm wanting this more for propagation and storage for most of the year, but it will be advantageous for those HORRID ;) days when the temps approach freezing. (Last year I think we had two! A full eight hours of winter!!!)

But would you want to trade for five months of summer (90F with ~80% humidity)???

This message was edited Nov 21, 2003 3:11 PM

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

ARRRGGGGGHHH! ................. Help meeeeee, I'm coming down with a terrible case of Zone -Envy !
Ya lucky dog _ ha-ha ...pun intended =)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Dangit! I just wrote such a charming and witty reply and wouldn't you know, I clicked send and it went to page not found! Argh!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Doncha' hate that.............especially when you find the time to write a nice letter to a friend and 10 minutes into composing the CAT walks across the keyboard.lol
and your remake never looks as good....here kitty-kitty =)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Ya'll (yes, the plural of you) are too kind. Either that or you just don't know what summer is!

I can as easily point out that, at least in photos, gardens in your zones always seem to be BURSTING with flowers whereas the published photos of gardens here rely on shades of green.

If there ever was a case for 'the grass is always greener'...

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

We'll be watching for more pictures. You came to the right place to share your excitement.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Dogbane, after growing up in Houston then moving to Missouri I can certainly relate to your summers...and small winters. While it doesn't get down into the teens and stay for days on end, like it does here, I do believe its a *different* kind of cold down there. The normal humidity here is about 40% which means we have a dry cold. But in New Orleans, and Houston, the humidity never gets down to 40%...80% is probably normal. So it's a wet cold that seems to go right through a person and wreck havoc on gardens. When my Missouri neighbors ask me about Houston I tell them there's two seasons...Summer and February. I used to love to visit my parents for Christmas,,,and pack shorts instead of a million layers of clothes. Many times I'd get on the plane in KC wearing sweaters and coats,, and get off the plane in Houston to 80F. I miss the warmth,,,but not the humidity!! I still say the air is so thick with humidity down there that you have to cut it up and stuff it up your nose!!!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Heheheh ! dog bane, I grew up in Florida near Miami and I drive to the Keys every summer to soak up some heat and humidity and smell the ocean, it recharges my life force.

Thumbnail by scooterbug
New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL Scooterbug! I spent a year in Anchorage and it got to the point that I'd go hopping from one tanning salon to another for the illusion of sun to take the chill out. I know of what you speak!!!

MossRose - you're right about the difference. Last January we went to Santa Fe. The temps were in the 30F range and here it was more 40-50F. Guess where I needed the heavy coat...

Boonies, SD(Zone 4b)

Way to go, dogbane!! We will be anxiously awaiting more pictures. We might get some ideas from you!!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Dogbane, welcome to DG, you will love it here. Also glad you are getting your GH. Here where I live we had the longest, hottest, dryest summer since they started keeping records more than 100 years ago. You can guess that our humidity was nil. I take everything out of my greenhouse for the summer. The first thing I had built here after I moved in was a shade house so there would be someplace for my plants during the summer, There were no trees, they were the first things I planted. Now the trees I planted for more shade by the GH are getting so large I have to hunt for a little more sun for my plants!! Donna, aka rutholive.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks, rutholive. I found that everyone here try to be quite helpful and are all knowledgeable (sp?).

I'm not entirely sure how helpful the GH will be for me during the summer, but with shade cloth and a hose, it may not cook eveerything in there!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I started another thread in the Photos forum under the title 'Decorative gardens' (Ihaven't yet figured out how to post a direct link).

I've got a couple of photos of some of the non-plant aspects of my garden and hoped that others would share with me ideas on decorative objects to use in landscapes. Check it out and post some things there, too.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I looked for it and didn't find it.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Okay, found the tutorial. Let's see if this works....


Boonies, SD(Zone 4b)

Cool stuff, dogbane!! I just clicked on your name and then there is a place to click on the threads that you started. Found it that way. You have some good ideas. Love the heads on the pillars!!

Schriever, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Dogbane,
That's going to be a great GH. Please post more pictures as it goes up. I have just started mentioning the GH word around here. I've learned with DH that it's best to acclimate him gradually to my new project ideas. I think by the time spring gets here he should be fully acclimated... :)

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Ladibug....Welcome to DG, and good luck!

Now let's see here......(2.) Get Gh so we can acclimate our plants....

But first..(1.) Need to acclimate DH to GH idea. I'm sure one of these gals will come up with a plan for ya.

But in the meantime lotsa good cooking, and keep bringing plants in till he can't see the TV anymore...That would work for my DH =)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL Scooterbug and Ladibug!

I will be posting more pics soon. Going is slow right now because I only have a few hours every couple of days to work on it. I expect that by next week the kit will arrive, but over the weekend I should finish the base.

And Ladi, if it helps, tell the DH that the base isn't hard to do - just time consuming!
8^) Philip

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I've nearly got the base done. Just one more sill to install, but have to wait for the last few anchors to set. Then, it'll be getting the rest of the stepping stones to make up the floor and wait for the kit to arrive.

I must say that I am quite proud of myself for the construction so far. I'm not really adept at these things and have very little experience with construction of any kind, much less mortaring anything together. But I somehow managed to get everything level and square! Now I hope installing the kit goes as well...


Thumbnail by dogbane
El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

That looks GREAT! All this practice on yours will ready you for your trip to CA to lay mine, right?

(Okay well it was worth a try) ...

Looks fabulous. I'm jealous.

:o) Judith

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Getting closer. I'm now waiting to get someone to help install the covering....

Thumbnail by dogbane
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Lookin good dogbane!!

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Looking good Phillip,
It looks very strong, was it a kit?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Scooter,

Yeah, I got the 7x12 leanto from Turner. I'm really liking it so far. Just can't finish it alone. Have to have someone on the outside and someone else on the inside. Soon...

Northern California, CA

Philip -

This is all well and good, but don't you know what you're doing to me?! LOL

I'm having visions of knocking a hole in the end of the family room, tearing out a fence and about 6 hydrangeas, some ferns......I already have a greenhouse, but it's small.....DH would commit me.

It looks very sturdy and I know you've put a lot of work into its construction, congrats!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Phillip... Looks like you have done an admirable job. Congrats!

Scooterbug... I love the sea grape photo.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks darius,
..... I snapped that at the Bahai Honda State Park in the Keys. It was an experience visiting there, the most amazing State Park I have visited. There is a vantage point where you can look over the Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico on either side of you.

Pontiac, MI(Zone 6a)

I've been following this forum for awhile and enjoying it very much. Love the discussion on building one yourself. I was extremely fortunate last year. A neighbor had obtained a greenhouse from a school that closed here in Pontiac a few years ago. He decided that he didn't have enough interest in it to go through installing it so he gave it to me. It has been a long stressful project which involved a lot of investigation on the net finding out who the manufacturer was, buying their installation manual and parts list, having 42" footers installed (code requirement here), a concrete block wall built and then assembling the frame. Some pictures from September are at www.nitz.net/gallery/mygreenhouse. At every step of the way, there have been things to deal with. The latest is that I just had to order peices to go on the vent at the top of the greenhouse. But, still, I'm very excited with the prospect of having one probably by next summer. The glass is in storage and we probably won't start glazing it now til spring. Here is a photo I just took today for this forum.

Thumbnail by judy_michigan
Pontiac, MI(Zone 6a)

The link for my greenhouse pictures is at www.nitz.net/gallery/greenhouse. Whole link didn't come through last time for some reason.

Pontiac, MI(Zone 6a)

Ok. I'm going to have to improvise here. Add /gallery/greenhouse to the above hyperlink to get to my greenhouse photos from September. Can anyone tell me how to get a complete web address in a message?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

judy... I just looked at the page your link opens. You put a period at the end, and when I took out the period, the link opened to this: http://www.nitz.net/gallery/albums.php

Since I don't know what album your greenhouse photos are in, I didn't go any further.

Pontiac, MI(Zone 6a)

Darius - I tried twice to put the entire address and dg wouldn't let me. please add /gallery/greenhouse to the hyperlink www.nitz.net I think that will fool it so that you can get to my link. Sorry about the problem

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nah, still doesn't work. Why not write to Dave? (Use "Contact Us" at bottom of the page here.)

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