Bead Boxes

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

I have been using inexpensive bead boxes to dry, then store my seeds. Purchased at Wal-Mart for $1.79 for a package of 4 stackable containers, I write the name of the plant in permanent marker on the side. When the seeds are dried, they are stored in these until ready to sow.

Thumbnail by Kaufmann
GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

They are available in two sizes...

Thumbnail by Kaufmann
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

What amazing organization. I am the brown manilla envelope type. Yours are so neat and organized I may have to consider regrouping mine.
Very impressive and how do you get them so well cleaned?
I have a terrible time.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Thanks Alice. I used to keep mine in brown paper bags, but I really like organization and I wanted to be able to see what I have at a glance. I thought about a craft box and stumbled across these. They work perfectly. Seed Cleaning -- Ugh -- I sit at the kitchen table with tweezers and my reading glasses. Some of them aren't as clean as I'd like, but it is so time consuming.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You know what I really like about this? You can see how much you have and is great for ID purposes as well! Gee, what do you think it would cost for 1000 or so? LOL

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

You obviously have many more than I!!! :) I figure each time I go to Wal-Mart, I'll pick up a few...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL I've been at this for about 8 years. Every year I swear I will cut back....I have barely collected anything this year and my goal for next year is to get rid of as many seeds as I can if it means pitching them in a pile of dirt and see what happens. LOL

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Well...that sounds like it could be fun! I've been gardening my entire adult life, but didn't get into seed collecting until a couple of years ago. I've never managed to save anything from year to year. They all get sown somewhere on the property. I hope to have time to collect enough to trade next year, although I wonder if I have anything unusual enough for anyone to want any of it! LOL

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Those are beautiful pictures, K! They would make a nice subject for a poster!

I have struggled with organization too and this year decided to make fashion trays from window screening. I made rectangular boxes with about one inch sides and a divider in the middle. That way I could dry two types in one box. I labeled a coin envelope and dropped it in the section with the seeds so I could remember what they were! Then I stacked them alternatly on each other and had kind of a tower! Not as neat as your method, but it sure beat paper towels laying all over the kitchen!

If I had a batch of seeds that were of any amount, I stored them in empty pill bottles that I have been saving. Can't see through them like you can your bead boxes though. I'm going to browse through Walmart's craft section next time I'm there and probably invest in some of the bead boxes.

Great idea. Thanks for posting the pictures.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

I like your idea too, for drying. Sound like it works great for you! I'm glad you enjoyed the post...thank you!!! Gretchen

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