What are you ordering?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm going through my seed cataloges at the moment, and keep revising my lists, there's so many nice looking things in there that I ,as usual go overboard.i keep trying to whittle it down,but then I find more things.
What things are other people ordering for next season?
From T&M,they've got a facinating looking nemesia 'Shooting stars,
'hellebore'Gold bullion'
Dianthus 'sonata' and you get 'king of the blacks' free with ths.
You can also get any pack of seeds free ,haven't decided yet which ones...
Plants of Distintion have a scrumptios list,silene 'jack flash',
geranium 'midnight blue',
ribes 'golden currnet'( I seem to remember someone saying about a yellow flowering currant with a delic smell.
arisaema species mix-yep, here I go again with my mixes, i'm sure photos will be on next year for identification..are you lot ready?
penstemon-mixed species
primula-mixed species
they've also got aome great toms in their veg brochure, I'm sure that I'll go for a few of those too.
fothergills and Plantworld ,I'm still trying to revise, or whittle down the lists.
What are you all ordering ?I'd love to know

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have all my bulbs planted and plugs ordered. The plugs are of Arctotis 'Tangerine', Red Devil, 'Flame' and 'China Pink'. I have also ordered Nemsia 'Peach'which is various shades of yellow, cream, purple and orange all on one flower http://www.rhs.org.uk/chelsea/2003/exhibitors/floral_pavilions/images/nemesiapeachHR.jpg I'm just waiting for the Argyranthemum catalogue to fall through the letter box. If only I had a heated greenhouse cos I have 100s of cuttings that can be taken.

I actually went and bought Nemesia Shooting Stars seeds (spit spit, I broke my T&M buying rule for this one). I was very tempted to buy their plugs of this one (which they offered last year) but losing £1.99 compared to 18 quid if they are rubbish is infinitely more preferable.

I've got the POD cat still to look at (although I kept meaning to order the Silene lacinata last year) and have just ordered from Secret Seeds and Plant World. Secret seeds have two on my would chew my arm off to get them, list ... Taraxacum album (white Dandelion)and Mimulus pictus, these arrived this morning along with the Plantworld order.

I haven't seen the Fothergills cat this year or DT Browns.

I wish some of the above would stick with the proper names, it's confusing when they keep releasing these 'new' seeds when really they are simply species that aren't too well known and then not giving the entire name. It is good to see that there is some interest in rare in cultivation species though, I never trust it when they say they are rare but I can spot the odd one or two sitting quietly in the lists.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Thats half my problem, as I don't know the species etc. too well, I don't know when I'm being conned, as it is.I reckon that Granium stratium is G.'Splish splash', am I right there?
love the nemesia Mark, do you do most of your plants as plugs?Is that because of lack of sowing space and heat?A friend of mine has bought plugs for the last 2 years, and swears by them, but of course they only do the more commoner things, I like trying different things each year
.Sometimes it's dissapointing ,as in the photo it looks smothered in flowers, but the reality is something different.I always wonder too why some seeds are so expensive. Things like the cerinthe,£2,99 for about 25 seeds,mine dropp seeds by the bucket load,I sweep them up off my drive.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

'Splish Splash' is a T&M name. I usually buy mostly plugs bacause I dont have the time to pamper a greenhouse of seedlings. I do have room in my greenhouse and sow seeds at the end of March. I hope to have a new large greenhouse, 10-12 feet long, by spring too

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sue, the currant you remember is probably R odoratum, as I remember going on about the lovely spicy scent http://plantsdatabase.com/go/55413/

I've always started things from seed or taken cuttings, never tried plugs. I don't have a greenhouse, just cold frames. Some things I start on the windowsill and then move to frames, but I've found it is often a mistake to start things too early inside and get better results from starting a little later, when things can be kept growing strongly more easily.
I tried nemesia for the first time a couple of years ago and they were very successful, scented and unusual colours, but don't remember the name.

I usually wait for the RHS list to come out and choose quite a few things from that and the Alpine Garden Society list. I've had a number of successes with more unusual perennials from the NCCPG seed list too.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

The odd thing that I've noticed since doing seed exchanges, is that I seem to get a better rate of germination from those seeds collected by 'the amateurs',rather than from the seed companies, you'd think it'd be the other way round.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

of course. You dont know anything about seed company seeds like how long they have been stored.

A good example, though not about germination, is Pelargonium capitatum seeds I bought from Chilterns. This packet has so far produced P. capitatum, P. alchemilloides, P. odarissimum and P. scabrum. There are a few others that need to be identified.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, the commercial companies aren't nearly so careful whereas 'amateurs' tend to follow by the book

I agree with you sue that the germination rate is generally better from group seed exchanges - and also the accuracy of the contents mark.

Also in the club lists there is acknowledgement of seeds that may not come true bacause of open pollination, which, as we've all been saying, is often not the case with commercial companies (even down to offering seed from sterile forms LOL)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

how do they get away with it. I assumed that they'd have to have the beds of plants at a certian distance from each other,so's as not to cross-pollinate.But it seems that perhaps this is not so.
For someone like me, who just likes growing things , for the sake of it, and to fill beds not too much of a problem, but for someone who is trying to build a collection of correctly named plants, it must be a nightmare.
I remember seeing on a gardening programe once, trial grounds (Wisley?) and when they grew thse varieties and species, them saying that they were all mixed up, some had 2/3 different names for the same plant.
Others not the original plant.How does one know? Who has the final say on which is the right one, and which isn't?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

This is why I'm into taking cuttings etc rather than starting from seed for lots of things. At least you'll have a plant with the same characteristics as the one it comes from ;)

But there are lots of things that are fine started from seed, you just need to find out the ins and outs of a particular plant first.

I suppose experts at the RHS are the ones with the say so. They have many people with a wealth of experience and who have seen things from years ago too, which all helps. But I reckon in quite a few cases it must just come down to educated guesswork

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I prefer seeds from Cottage garden seeds!! LOL germination is brilliant and I know for sure that the contents are correct and the seed fresh!! Long live amateurs!! :))

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Do you have their contact details handy please psilo? I looked for a website but couldn't find one...

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

yeah http://www.cottage-garden-seeds.co.uk/ LOLOL!!

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

my new web site is shortly to be published. It will include new collections and new photos from my gardens.

I am also looking for ideas for new collections of plants that are worth growing and in demand. I am already in the process of contructing shade gardens with epimediums and anenomes and bog garden and moisture loving plants. Also a large Grass collection. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what they are always looking for?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link. Your projects sound great. I'll have a think re your question

A lot of the seed and plant companies have a number of suppliers, many don't actually grow and harvest the seed themselves so they have to rely on the experience and ability of a third party. Annoyingly, the third party type of trading also extends to plant and seed wholesalers.

Personally, I've not found traded seeds any better or worse for germination or correct naming than from a seed company. I suppose it's all in the luck of the draw, however, plants do seem to be much better from a trade!

If you are making a collection of plants you only start with the seed/plant companies later you get to meet, trade and discuss your passion with like minded collectors. Not so much a nightmare but a very interesting and long journey ;)

What am I always looking for? Hmmmm I doubt you'd want to know my list Psilo, few of them seem very popular. However, if you do come across Griffinia or Worsleya, let me know and I'll be up there like a shot! *G*

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Baa, I've never even heard of those.My problem is I'm not strrict enough,if I get seeds I grow the, without thought to where I'm going to put them, or if I need them even.Just love seeing things sprout and grow.It always delights me when I see something flower after a couple of years,I might have evn forgot that I had planted it there(such a hotch-potch is my garden)I need a shoe -horn to squeeze in more plants, but seem to find that odd space for them.
Hubby always inspects the lawn each year for inches taken away !!...not that I can do that now, I have to ask him to do it, and justify why I need more planting space.Don't know why he gets so stressed, he hates gardening with a vengance ,so less lawn means less time in the grass cutting dept.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I have ordered some seeds recently. I was looking for centranthus albus and I could'nt find it anywhere. I've oredered Patrinium also. That's it. I 've still so many wonderfull seeds that I've got from trade that I'ld like to sow first. We have two very good nurseries in my neighbourhood and I like to buy a few very hard to get and very wanting plants/shrubs this spring to add to my garden.
Philomel! I fell in love with the Ribes odoratus you have. I can remember that thread too. This one is on my wishlist too. I already went for a search in the nurseries to get one. Specially from shrubs I prefer cuttings or young plants. Sowing them is questionable to get the same as the motherplant. Mostly it'll take years to flower and grow mature. I don't like to end up after years with a shrub that I did'nt plan. But to be honest I've sown a lot of shrubs from seed like Hibiscus (also the hardy ones) and tropicals. Oh I' ve forgotten ..I've ordered some bulbs this year: Eremurus himalaicus (always giving a spectaculair show every year!)and little ones like Eranthis (hope they flower early).
If interested they have a catalogue online: http://www.verberghe.nl/catalog/default.php?language=dutch

Very good nurseries only a twenty minutes drive:
http://marnis.nl/en/ (in English)

http://www.bastin.nl/ They have also an excellent herbscollection. Look what they have! I've tried to link the English page for you but that does'nt work. You have to click for it yourself.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Well...I've just done it...ordering some seeds. They were on my wishlist for a long time....could'nt resist so I've bought myself a christmaspresent.
I've ordered:
Echium pininana;
Berlandiera lyrata chocolate drop;
Achillea tomentosa aurea;
echinacea paradoxa;
Tagetes lucida;
Cytisus battandieri...

Oh I'm so much looking forward to grow them..hope it'll be spring soon. It's so cold outside....brrr - 6C

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Berlandiera and Echinacea are in my seed box and I'm just waiting for spring 2004

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

The Berlandiera should have a little chocolatsmell...hmmm they say. I have Cosmea atrosanguinea and this smells like a chocolatfactory. Cytisus battandieri..they say it smells after pineapples..woh..I'm so curious. I have a very sunny (and dry) garden and all should do fine. The Achillea should be a small creeping one...well I just let him creep around in and around my gardenpath. I've seen amazing images from the Echium and I hope I can grow them as pretty as I've seen. I'm sure it is'nt easy..but I'll try. Maybe I have seeds for you by that time. And I just love Echinacea..they're so pretty..I like the orange glow in the flower's center. Special with the pink one it's breathtaking for me.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, I've ordered seeds from English companies this winter... Chilterns, Secret Seeds, and Psilo's 'Cottage Garden'. Perhaps I am being unfair, but U.S. seed catalogs are rather mainstream in their selections. Quite often, they don't even include botanical names. It drives me crazy.

I've been searching the web for Primula florindae rubra. Does anyone know a good online spot to order it that will ship to the U.S.?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I can sort you out with some seeds later this year

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Not sure if you are talking to me, Mark, but if so, I look forward to it. By the way, be sure to check my updated seed trade list to see if there is anything you might want... all of you.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yep I'm talking to you. LOL

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Thanks, Mark. Let me know if there is anything you are looking for that I might have in the Frozen North. I'm always glad to send you seeds.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Chilterns catalogue arrived yesterday. Lots marked already.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Already placed my order with Chilterns.. should have waited for the hardcopy catalog, I guess, but at least I've ordered! I should have shopped around a bit. Stokes has the Chantreyland cornutas for $1.35 per pack (150 seeds), and I found a better deal for Oase poppies, but generally, I ordered some nice things.

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