Fall backwards :(

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Don't forget to fall backwards in the early hours of sunday morning (not alcohol - or any other substance - induced lol)

Those dark winter evenings are on the way :(

Who else changes clocks around now, as well as the UK?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

:( This puts a real downer on my jaunts! I think I'll go for another one tomorrow - providing it's not raining buckets, to take advantage of the last of the daylight hours.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Do you set your clocks back one hour too? I thought we were the only ones.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Certainly, we put them back in the UK! I wonder how many other nations do the same? Presumably you don't need to in some other parts of the globe. And down under it'll be back to front!

This message was edited Oct 24, 2003 12:49 PM

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

in countries where day length = night length there is no need to do it. We do it for skool kidz and Scottish farmers.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

All EU countries (Greece, Ireland, Finland, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Italy, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Sweden) do it the same day at least. Also Russia, & Israel do it of what I know.

I think that most countries (not too close to the equator) have daylight saving time in use in Summer.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2003 12:15 AM

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

When we went on our hols this summer,up through the baltic sea to Russia, it got very confusing, we seemed to be putting our clocks on an hour nearly every day.
As one who struggles to set her watch with (many knobs and dials )at the right time, I was completely at sea!!Gave up in the end, it didn't really matter,as long as I was ready in time for evening meal.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL sue

At least we have an extra hour today to fit in all those jobs we haven't got round to - or an extra hour in bed (wicked *g*)

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I forgot to change the time on my bed side clock. I didnt realise anything was wrong until I turned on TV to watch Sky News. I thought they had said the wrong time by mistake.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Tut, tut Mark,it's o.k. as long as you don't have somewhere to be.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Presumably all was well, as mark would have got up an hour before he needed to sue LOLOL (opportunity for another wicked *g*)

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Philomel, we do that as well here in Chile only that we put it forwards on 12:00 (night) the second Saturday of October since we are in the Southern Hemisphere and right in the middle of Spring now. Everytime we change hours it's quite hard for me to adjust (sort of jetlag).

Greetings and sunshine from Chile,


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi Ursula. That's interesting, of course you will fall forwards in the southern hemisphere - and spring backwards LOL
Yes, it's difficult when it changes isn't it? It was dark so early here today. Winter's almost here.
You've just had you're winter - how cold does it get in Santiago in wintertime?

Greetings and happy thoughts from the UK :)
(you must have sent us some sunshine, it's been bright most of the day)

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Hi Philomel!

Our winters are quite mild (we have mediterranean climate). The lowest temperatures we reach early in the mornings are not below -3ºC and that only occassionally and lasts no longer than a couple hours. The average temperature during daytime is some 14ºC.

The forecast for tomorrow is 27ºC, very normal for Spring, increasing temperatures towards the end of the week. Minimum temperatures are currently around 11ºC.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to skip the cold winterdays by just travelling to the other hemisphere? However, I would love to spend Christmas with snow once in my life.

I'm attaching some spare sunshine you can use whenever required (LOL).



Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It's worked :) :) :)
It's sunny again here today!! Which is great as I'm out dormousing later

Your climate sounds SO good!
It's a shame that we can never rely on getting snow here - although we have plenty of rain and grey skies. When we do have snow it's very rarely at Christmas. If we have some forecast I'll let you know and you can pop over lol.

Where Jane from Ireland and I went earlier in the month has snow guaranteed for Christmas though, I think. We went to the Auvergne in France, which is quite high and we saw the first snow on the mountains while we were there http://davesgarden.com/t/404404/

As you can imagine, we spent a little time seed collecting ;)
Here are some other photos of the area

All the best

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