when will MG set seed???

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have a HB MG that I've only gotten a couple of seeds off of. I have promised seed to several people and I'm afraid they think I'm not gonna send the seeds. I look everyday, but the pods are still greenish- purple and the thing is in full bloom. Will I be able to get seeds before frost? I'm in z7b in GA. and they're forecasting our first frost in a couple of weeks instead of Nov. Will I be able to get seeds after there is frost damage??? Thanks for the help- I'm desperate to fulfill my promise to these patient folks.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

usually it takes about two weeks for the pods to dry. as far as the frost do you have it in a pot? if so you can bring it in for a couple of days. you may get seeds and you may not. i wish you the best.

i think alot of us are housing mgs this year. i have a few mgs that havent even bloomed once yet. i am about fustrated with this years weather.

as for our wacky weather here in ga and sc where i am at there is no telling what we will get. i remeber last year being in shorts at christmas then a week later snow coming. our weather is just wacky.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

No, mine is outside, imzadi. I thank you for backing me on this one. I have a LOT of folks I have promised seed to and I don't want them to think I've lied to them. So if you folks are reading this, I will try to get them to you asap.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I am in GA in zone 8, and mine are forming their 2nd and 3rd set of seeds already.. They re-seed more than once in my zone.. That's why they become such a pest, pretty as they are, LOL..

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hi berrygirl,

Last year I worked really hard to make sure I had seeds gathered before frost. I only got a few seeds from my mg's and was rather upset about it. I left a few of the vines up through the winter and went out to remove them in early spring. There were more than a zillion seeds and the ALL GERMINATED!!! (I spent weeks pulling little mg's, I even had some germinating on top of rocks) I really didn't think they could make it throught the winter here in Oklahoma, but they sure did. This year, I'm getting the seeds that I can before frost, and labeling what I want for later. I'm not as concerned this year....so hopefully it will all turn out ok! We had 0 degree temps for weeks last winter.

As far as promising seeds....LOL....I've promised so many datura seed to people and I know that they must think I am a liar!!! I must have close to 30 pods ripening and some have been ripening for more than 2 months now. Very strange, I certainly don't ever remember them taking so long before. I finally went out and took pics of the huge pods on the plants and sent them to everyone, just so they wouldn't think that I had stolen their sase! Good luck with your seeds!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Brinda, it's so re-assuring to know I'm not the only one!!! Could I go ahead and pluck off the un-ripe seed pods and is there anything I can do to speed things up?

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Someone else will have to answer that one. I'm curious to know also. But I would almost be afraid to.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

dont pick the un ripe pods. they wont do that way. you have to let mother nature do her thing.

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

yes, I agree with imzadi - wait until the pod walls are papery and the seeds crumble out. The wait is killing me on mine - so many beautiful flowers this year, so few seeds, and the ones that set seeds are doing it over so sloooooooooooowly. Hoping I can harvest some before they freeze. I have several pending trades for MG's and people must think I've forgotten - when I'm out there every day checking the seeds.

If they're easily obtainable ones, you can always buy or trade later, too!

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

I tell you, these flowers really confuse me! My first set of MGs bloomed like crazy and I couldn't keep up with the seeds. Now I have another trellis that is blooming like mad and there aren't any seeds. Does anyone know what is going on? Also from the first batch I took seeds and planted them right off the little pod (they were dry) and they grew well.The MGs that are blooming like crazy were not the seeds from the first set, they were new seeds from a package and no seeds????
Now get this! On my moon flowers, I took the large pod peeled it pulled out the large white seeds, planted them and they are all comming up! I just don't get it.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

this year with all the water we had and the weather shifts have made everyones mgs go wacky. i have had lots of foilage and no blooms. some have had lots of blooms and no seeds. this weather has made things act funny. you might have to pollinate by hand and thats still no gauruntee. which mgs do you have. some dont produce seed but tubers or runners. some only produce seed when they want too if ever.

it all depends on the type you have. but for the most part it has been our weather this year. some unfortunaly didnt get seeds or flowers and now they have snow. its been a bad year.

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