best time to take forsythia cuttings???

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Is this a good time to do this? I have promised some to a nice lady and I will have to mail them to her. I want them to be alive and well when they get to her!!! Thanks for the help.

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a forsythia bush that I wish to propagate and have read some on this subject. You can propagate by hardwood or softwood cuttings, dividing large clumps or layering.

To layer, you take a flexible branch that will reach to the ground (or a pot) remove the foliage from a section and cut a slit halfway through the underside. Dust with root hormone, then bury and weigh it down into the soil. You can stake the one end so that it grows straight up. Once roots have established (can take up to a year) you can cut it off the parent plant.

Hardwood cuttings for Forsythia are done in the winter. Choose healthy, pencil-thick sections of dormant branch each 5 to 8 inches long with three leaf buds. Cut at an angle just below the lowest leaf bud to provide more surface area. Overwinter by burying in slightly damp sand, wood shavings or vermiculite. Cover them to keep the storage medium moist and keep them just above freezing (32 - 40 degrees. As the temp warms, a callus will form on the rooting end and then you can dip in root hormone and plant so that just the top bud shows above the soil in a pot. Keep covered with plastic to maintain moisture. They can be transfered any time after established.

Softwood cuttings are done in Spring. Ideally after a rain in the AM so that it is already moist, take cuttings of 3 to 4 inches off branch ends. Make an angle cut about 1/4 " below a leaf bud and strip off bottom of cutting's foilage. Also remove all flower buds. Dip in rooting hormone and plant 1-1/2 to 2" in sterile potting mixture. Keep moist and warm by covering with plastic, gradually introduce to outside.

Dividing is simply that. Take a section of a bush out, roots and all. Hope that helps. I will probably do some forsythia softwood cuttings in the spring.

Hope this information helps. ;~D

LimeyLisa Kay

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Are you any relation to Limey Lisa Hosta....I just ran across this one ? LOL

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

That is where I got my name! I love hostas and one with my name seemed to be perfect for my DG name! I have two in my garden and really like her. She isn't really flashy, but she is a fast grower and seems to form a really nice, dense mound. She has lovely purple flowers as well! ;~D

LimeyLisa Kay

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