Wow - Check out my FLYING SAUCERS Morning Glory

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

I've loved these MGs on photos, on the web ... finally mine has bloomed ... isn't this unique and fabulous? Har har ... I think someone stole my streaks and stripes!!!

d:o) Judith

Thumbnail by noxiousweed
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

that looks just like my pearly gates. you sure one didnt sneak in there.

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm not sure at all - isn't that funny? I was very happy the Flying Saucer was to bloom - and there it was, not once but twice - a stark white flower. Either a throwback to prior breeding, or - more likely - a mis-marked seed. *sigh*

I'm going to try to grow another FS indoors over the off-season (we don't have actual seasons here in CA, ya know!) - wonder if I can get it to bloom indoors ... we'll see ...


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i dont know about throw backs because pearly gates are just as pretty. i love the white ones. i am sure its a pearly gate. i have mine that look exactly the same.

i am also going to over winter one and see what happens. my yellow one hasnt bloomed yet and i dont want it to die on me before i see a bloom. hehe so it will be intersting to see if they bloom for us since we are on two different sides of the state.


Absolutely stunning!!!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very pretty, even if it isn't striped. I grew Flying Saucers a year ago and was impressed with them. I'd probably be just as impressed with this one. Great picture.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

What a beautiful picture! I'm confused as usual. What is a Flying Saucer? Is it a moonflower or a morning glory? Where could I obtain seeds for these beautys? Would love to try them here in Tucson.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

LittleShima, I am sure you can't buy them in Arizona, but they are usually available in catalogs that sell MG's. If I find some seed when I'm out browseing the nurseries this winter, I'll try to get a few seeds to you.

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

This is a morning glory called PEARLY GATES. I planted FLYING SAUCERS which are white with blue stripes and streaks - but the seed was misidentified.

It's different from a moonflower - open during the day. And no fragrance.

:o) Judith, resident smart alek

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

I would really appreciate that, thank you.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I grew the flying saucers this year and they were blue with white, or vice versa and some included all white like your photo above, but all were on same vine if that makes sense.


Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

another shot

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

Beautiful, Ohio. :o) Yes, that's what I had in mind. Since my little plant only had two blooms and both were pure white ... it was most likely pearly gates. I'll plant stripeys again next season!!

:o) Judith

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I think the striped ones have tan seeds. At least mine did.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

This year has been the first I've planted morning glories in Tucson. Now I am wondering, do they freeze? We might get a few nights that go down to 36 and they are blooming so beautiful but I don't know if they freeze down and you have to cut them down? Would appreciate the information from those of you in the cold country that have had the experience. Do I need to cover them or do they just stay in there?

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

They'll die with the frost but they'll be back next year - they're very successful reseeders.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi! my seeds were black for the flying saucers, and they are also different looking than the "normal" ones. They are longer and are shaped nearly like a teardrop I guess you would say.
Also, you don't get as many seeds out of a pod than the so called normal variety do. Just different I guess, that's part of why I love them.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

Do you folks know if the MG seeds can be harvested before they dry on the plant?? They look like they are going to fall and I just wonder if I can cut them and dry them in a newspaper or something where they will get air? Can they be planted at this stage? I've taken some apart and the seeds are mautre white and look good.

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

For best germination, they should dry on the plant.

That said, I've harvested them soft and green and dried them in a warm room on pie tins. I've had good - not perfect, but good - germination with these seeds.

Morning glories are true annuals. I've opened seed pods and had seeds already beginning to germinate. I've planted them and had them grow into healthy plants.

:o) Judith

The Dalles, OR(Zone 8b)

I grew "flying saucers" morning glories this year. I had a huge display of them and the colors really vary. I had some that bloomed solid white and some that bloomed solid blue but most were striped blue on white. They all had a large 4 to 5 inch bloom though and I only got a few seeds before the frost hit. The seeds are tan/brown when they are mature. I let them ripen on the vine but they did take a LONG time since they are bigger than most morning glory seeds. I also saved some after the frost to experiment with. I am curious if they will germinate.


Thumbnail by busy_bee_or
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very pretty picture Angela. Makes me wish spring was here.

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

Fabulous! Yes, that's what I had in mind.

I was walking around the hardware store this afternoon while the car was at the carwash next door thinking ... where's all the cool gardening stuff? Can we toss the Christmas stuff and get on with the gardening stuff?

:o) Judith

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Those Flying Saucer MGs look lovely. I have some Grandpa Otts I would trade for some. However I will be honest and tell everyone that we have several cultivars of MGs in the yarden including a solid white with small blooms and many, many wild ones. So there will have been lots of natural bee type hybridizing. This has given us some very interesting looking wild ones. They have developed stripes, changed shades of blue, we got some white ones with blue strips, etc. I also have some seeds from a very bright deep pink that my daughter gave me. She said they were from the Tie Dye strain. Not being as close to the other MGs, these seeds may be more pure.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow! These are beautiful. I'm adding these to my want list.

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