
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Does anyone have a sure fire way to propagate oleander. My MIL has two huge bushes and I would like to have some cuttings but would like know the correct way to get a good start from these plants.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I just received some Orleander seeds today but don't know the first thing about it.

Any suggestions for raising indoors and starting under a grow light?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry Rett, can't help you on that one. I'm trying to find out myself how to propagate from an existing plant. I'm new to the oleander business too.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I have one that was given to me from a cutting.
Do it just like you do any other cuttings.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I usually put them in water till they root. Will that work?
Thanks Paul

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's a great Oleander Culture link at the International Oleander Society: http://www.oleander.org/culture.html

Enjoy! :)

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

When i was in Fla. last winter i just loved looking at all the beautiful oleander trees! I wanted to buy one at a nursery but the owner told me they would not do good at all in Michigan. I brought some of the seeds with me. This spring i planted them in regular potting soil. Now i have 4 seedlings 3" high that are going in their own pots. I hope i can keep them going?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Keep us posted tootsie. I planted three seeds in a small pot a few days ago and plan on keeping it in my appartment and or possibly on my balcony since I don't have a yard and live on the 9th floor.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)


My daughters neighbor has several; they are probably 5-6 ft high. They are in large pots, she just drags them into the garage for the winter and they do great.

I have a cutting from her that I've had for 2 years 3' high.
I bring mine in for the winter.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

tootsie they do fine in Saskatchewan...people put them
outside for the summer and in a sunny window once it
starts getting cool outside. I used to see them all the
time but they are hard to find now.

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