Tulip seeds

Seattle, WA(Zone 8a)

I let my 'Negrita' tulips go to seed this year. Does anyone know if these seeds might be viable? If so, how should I plant these? should I germinate them first? Should I freeze them? I don't live in an area where we get frost. Let me know, thx.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Seeds are probably viable but it's doubtful they'd be true to the parent. Tulips are not easy to grow from seeds... it could be a few years before you see blooms.

I haven't tried them but I've read the seeds should be fresh, seeds dry stored for a long time may not germinate. I'd assume you should plant them in fall.... and give them a cold period of 8 weeks or more. If you want to experiment... I'd try the paper towel and baggy method, storing them in your fridge for half the winter.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Maybe you can do like what is done for Narcissus and Galanthus. Sue is right tho abought dessicated seeds.

get yourself a 4 - 6 inch clay pot and fill it with a mix of top soil and grit to about 1 inch below the rim. Plant your seeds and top dress with grit. Set the pot aside and wait for spring when grass like leaves may appear. It will be a minimum of 3 years before you see flowers

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