question from a friend abou amaranth seeds? Help?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

how you separate your amaranth seeds from the chaff?



Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't, I just plant the chaff right along with the would be to much trouble to separate it and it still comes up just as good........Thats how I plant any seeds that are a real pain to try and separate specialy when it is a really hairy or whispy hang onto everything seed...they all have done well.... :o)

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks WW!

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Depending on the type Amaranth you have, you can take the bloom stalk (when it starts drying more) and shake it into a paper sack, plastic bag, or onto white paper. Tiny black seeds fall out.

Here's a picture of mine (hope it helps).

Thumbnail by Cajun2
(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Forgot to say though, that I only do this when I want to share with others. But even then sometimes I just pkg. up a good piece of the head and send it. Catnip has the same kind of tiny seeds, as does Yarrow and a few other things.

I do in my OWN garden what WillowWasp does. I just thought you'd like to know where the seeds really are (smile).

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL Cajun2.... I use to use that method before my eyesight began to got to the point I could tell the seeds from the other leavings of the broom.... guess I shoulda got glasses sooner...have lots come up in the spots I plant and it looks better cause there are nice big clumps instead of plants spaced out to much...I do go back and thin a little when they are up good......I like planting them this way better cause you can judge when you have enough while you are thinning can thin more than once if you think there are still to many.......just have to be more careful thinning larger plants....this way gives you a chance to decide how much you want in an area..... :o)

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the advice!

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

That sounds good to me, WillowWasp!
You know... I never DID find the actual seeds from Globe Amaranth. When I asked around, everyone gave me the same answer 'Just plant a whole bloom head!' LOL So that's how I plant those too!

And I can't tell you how much of the Yarrow and Catnip I've just torn UP trying to find those seeds! I've just decided that if I'm going to share something, it'll have to be bigger seeds or they'll just have to deal with chaff! KNOW it's comin'!

And my eyes are failing too, so I may not ever shake out those seeds again myself!!! And like you said, it's far easier to thin them than it is to fiddle with those teeny-weeny seeds!!

(Zone 5a)

WW I usually use my sieve.
1) get a box to catch the seeds
2) get sieve with close netting
3) rub the chaff into the sieve while holding over a box.
4) you can gentle blow the excess shaff off seeds while still in box.
I hope this helps ya.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Wind, how you doing haven't heard from you in awhile?

When I have more time and energy I will use your method....otherwise I'm gonna throw them on the ground, throw some dirt over them, tap 'em down and hope for the best.. ...LOL...getting lazy in my old age........ :o)

(Zone 5a)

Ok, but I only do that when I am trading seeds. Most people want the seeds they receive clean.
If I am keeping them for myself then I do just what your doing, toss them suckers in the ground and toss a little dirt while throwing a little water at them hoping to hit the spot lol.
I have been hopping around DG but not that much, I am trying to get ready for the Ky RU.

Everything that can go wrong here is. We were going to take the van but it broke down and there isn't time to fix it, so we are going to have to take the car.
I can't bring all the things I had wanted to bring but I guess I should just be happy to get there in one piece.I sure wish you were going to be there.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

LoL aint it the truth, murphy's law when you need it the least...If I lived closer I wouldn't miss it...maybe when we move back to Tennessee I will make the RU...till then I just have to be contient with Daves..... But I'll be there in spirit anyway........ LOL

(Zone 5a)

I know what cha mean.
We got hit here again today with high winds and rain. My garden is flooded again, half of my plants are on the ground so I guess tomorrow I will be cleaning up the mess and restaking them.

When I saw my huge cockscombs laying on the ground I almost started to cry. I am hoping that this one will get larger than the one I had last year.

I am just hoping when I get back that my yard and plants will be intact.

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