How do you use lime-green colors?

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

A lime-green color is one of my favorites among the leaf colors.
Still I'm not quite sure how beautifully it could be combined with other colors.
I usually combine it with white / yellow /blue flowers and dark red leaves.

Any idea about how to make a good combination of it with other colors/ plants?

This is one of mine in summer.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

That is beautiful Tomtom

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hello cristina,

Thank you for taking a look at my pic.
Do you have some lime-green plants?

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I like them with any of the purple plants, light colored and the darker ones..

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hello ,Larkie,

Wow! Purple with lime-green sounds nice.
I have never tried such a combination.
I'll try and see it right away.
Thank you.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I have done purple and lime green too.It works beautifully.I especially like sweet potato vine and deep purple/maroon coleus.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I think what you did was perfect! Thanks for the idea!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi,melody ,

Lime-green contrasts surely well with purple and their combo must be strongly impressive.
To combine this color with deep maroon coleus must be attractive too.
My conbination might look a little too quiet.
I'll try it next year .

thank you for the idea.


Thank you for taking a look at my pic.
I intend to make my habitual combinations and ,to get out of it,sharing the ideas with you all is extremely helpful.

A combination of Campanula patula and feverfew aurea
( blue and lime-green)

Thumbnail by Tomtom
North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Your combinations are lovely, as always Tomtom. I use lime with black and purple or black and orange. Right now lime helychrisum with Petunia Merlin Blue Morn and perilla, lime potato vine with setcrasea and black mondo.. I tend to like three of the four lime, black, purple, orange together. Sounds garish but if you're careful can be quite dramatic. Now tell me, what am I going to put with my new double Echinacea 'Razzmatazz' rather an interesting not quite fuchsia, not hot pink, not quite rose?

Beverly Hills, CA(Zone 10a)

What about adding Colocasia "Black Magic"? I'm planning on lime & black!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Thank you so much for the idea,Sunrize.
Your combinations sound really artistic--something that has never occurred to me.
If you use dark colors carefully, you can surely make artful combos.
I'd very much like to look at the pics of your combos.

Your way of not using different, strong colors too many is just like mine. It helps give a coherent impression,I think.

Your idea of putting orange and black makes me feel like doing it . Silver -leaf plants will make a good surrogates of lime -colored ones.

I had a look at Echinacea 'Razzmatazz' at google.
It's cool but I've never seen it . It appears that this color is beautiful by itself . From my own experience it doesn't go very well with other colors (Just like,say, Centranthus ruber)
I'm afraid I can't provide you with an appropriate answer,but how about putting it with peculiarly red
Canna or Phormium tenax ‚urpreum and silver-leaf plants (such as Senecio leucostachys which is beutiful in summer) or white Petunia( which I love very much)?
Not quite dramatic to you, perhaps?

This message was edited Sep 12, 2003 11:06 PM

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hello, back2back,

Yours is a striking combination.

Colocasia "Black Magic" is a fantastic plant.
Thank you for sharing the idea.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

TomTom....I hope there is no end to all the containers you continue to amaze us with.....I visit every site you post and I am always in awe of what you share with us....

God has truly given you a gift of all green thumbs and creativity to go with have inspired me with all your beautiful plants and arrangements......

I love to look at what you create and the way you have put everything together. I have started trying new containers myself....Thank you for showing us your beautiful gardens and I am looking forward to seeing more in the coming days.... :o)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Have you tried the lime green nicotiana. It has the regular green nicotiana leaf with a beautiful lime green flower. I grew it last year with the purple nicotiana and they were lovely together. This year I have some lime green coleus with chocolate colored and some deep maroon with lime green edges. I have lots of hostas with lime green leaves or lime green edges and place hot pink frilled begonias near them.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Yes, jagonjune, that is a great nicotiana. I think with a large flat leafed Canna or Taro in dark red or black would be smashing ,too. Your hot pink with lime sounds grand.
I KNEW you could give me some ideas for Razzmatazz, Tomtom. It is new to this market and expensive but I was quite taken by the colour, which, as you say, is complex in itself. I think your idea of the Phormium purp. is heading inexactly the right direction or to simply rely on silvers (which I adore as well as anything glaucous) and whites. Thank you. You are so creative! One of my favourite containers last fall was simplύ Artemisia 'Silver Brocade', black Mondo, and a cabbage which had turned from burgundy to a colour called tungsten-a gunmetal grey/bluish/silver. No colour,really--truly by accident and stunning.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


I greatly appreciate your comment. It is indeed more than I deserve. I myself have made lots of failures in gardening.
(But nobody has ever blamed me.Don't you think that's one of the@blessings@of@gardeningH)I don't think I can claim to have that green thumb.I only hope that my curiosity won't fail me in the coming years.

DG is valuable and indispensable to me.It not only provides me with tons of useful info,but constantly stimulates my curiosity through sharing ideas with you.

These days I 'm infected with the ggreen virus" at DG,and I bought two varieties of perrenial MG,very popular with you . Such a robust virus I

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

You 've grown so many lime-green plants, jagonjune.
I grew this Nicotiana before,but I didn't realize its excellence since I was not so much interested in colors then.Putting it with purple must be striking. I love lime-green hostas,too.

Just take a look at the combo of a lime-green host and Rehmania elata(substitute for you Begonias)

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

those are so delicate they look like orchids

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Sunrize, your containers sound really striking!
I always wish black Mondo could be a little bigger.
Silvers are among my favorites,too.
I've never ceased to be amazed at the magical effect they have. If you add them carefully, pactically evey toughest combination problem can be magically solved.

We have a great variety of floweing kales you mentioned in Japan. They differ in color,size ,and shape. Evey year I sow the seeds of large- and medium-sized ones. In November they're beginning to color and I make containers.

Last fall I made the container of dark-colored kales exclusively,which was expected to be dramatic.
But it didn't satisfy me and I put some smaller light-colored ones among them.
Color combinations are so challenging!

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

I've just found this pic of a hanging basket I made some five years ago.It was made just out of my curiosity about leaf-color combinations. I regret I can't remember well what the plants were,but at top you can find orange verbena--a combination Sunrize kindly suggested.

This message was edited Sep 14, 2003 4:27 PM

Thumbnail by Tomtom
North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

More beautiful combinations,Tomtom. Your works are indeed worthy of the highest praise. I particularly like the kale--wonderful colours. The cabbage I spoke of was an edible one that I had as a filler for a tour. 'Ruby Red' I think. Was so pleased with the fall colour, I'm trying to get one this year, but one never knows. Actually, I am very visual so I don't know what I'm combining until I see it come together. I tend to be the same with decorating and with fashion. But what pleases one eye does not always please another. It is all so subjective and one should get pleasure from beauty wherever one finds it, I think.

Beverly Hills, CA(Zone 10a)

Tomtom, your color combinations & plantings are truly so, so beautiful. I'm new to DG & your photos are really inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing them.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Sunrize, thank you for letting me know Ruby Red is an edible cabbage. How creative you are to use it as a constituent of your container.

e But what pleases one eye does not always please another.fYes you're right.So many persons,so many tastes;
so the best I can do is ,perhaps, to do what pleases me.
Wishing your success.

back2back,I'm relatively new to DG,too.This Garden is simply pleasant and I've been enjoying it. Thank you for taking a look at my photos. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me look at those of your containers.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Tomtom: I think your container plantings are exquisite and just about everybody takes great pleasure in them.

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

TomTom, I used lime green sweet potato vine this year with the burgundy leaved Dahlia 'The Bishop'. Very nice! Last year I used a dark burgundy Coleus.

I also like lime color Hostas, like 'Lunar Eclipse' and plant some black mondograss nearby.

In addition, a Burgundy Canna 'Intrigue' set off other lime hostas.

One more idea that worked, more lime green sweet potato vine 'Margarita', trailing down from a hanging basket into a huge clump of very blue huge Hosta 'Big Daddy'.

Lots of great ideas from this thread! I am going to go move some black mondo into the Artemesia container!

I like your homepage, do you have a name for the Coleus on the first page?

Nice meeting you. I will be here on the Container Forum more often.


OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hello Pardancanda,
Your way of using lime-green creates a very distinct impression.The DahliagThe Bishop"has such attractive leaves and flowers .I sometimes put the burgundy -leaved DahliagMidnight moon"with Tanacetum aurea and white Petunias.But your combination surpasses mine.

Thank you very much for providing me with information on creative combinations.
You're one of the most welcome visitors to my homepage.
The Coleus on the the first page isgMarty,"one of my favorites.I love its delicate shades in paticular.
They are used in such a way in the border composed of containers.

This message was edited Sep 19, 2003 5:57 AM

Thumbnail by Tomtom
"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

TomTom, that border is gorgeous. I feel inspired and eager to get started again next year. Must find 'Marty'!

I grew Coleus 'Whirly (something)' this year, with the round leaves, and found it a wonderful companion to a Brugmansia tree. Not sure why it worked, maybe it brought out the wild tropical look!

Often in the past I used Coleus with Dusty Miller, a combination very often seen here. Must find more unusual silvery leaved plants.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

John, have you seen this? I have never grown it before but I saw it in urns at a house and garden tour this summer and it knocked my socks off. The leaves looked and felt like silk.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Silvery leaf plants, I think, work effectively in border/containers. Beautiful Crossostephium artemisioides
is an indispensable constituent of the autumn containers.
Shown below is Crossostephium artemisioides.
Will you please let me know what else@you'd@recommendH

NoH2O,the idea of planting Dichondra in urns sounds novel.
Their metalic color must be striking.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Tomtom : The Crossostephium is indeed striking and I am not familiar with it. Must try to find it. The Dichondra (marketed here as 'Silver Falls') I have used for 2 years NoH20 and I love it. It is very velvety, silvery bluish, almost like a glaucous plant with pearlized silver velour finish. Truly unique. In zone 8 it looks good most of the winter but is an annual and succumbs to the wet Feb/Mar conditions. This year I'll pull some in under cover. It roots along its stems as groundcover as well. Some silvers for us to explore John.

This message was edited Sep 19, 2003 12:59 PM

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Sunrize, Crossostephium flowers in autumn and gets more vivid in silver. It seldom produces seeds, so I usually propagate them by cuttings.

I never cease to marvel at your way of representing delicate /complex colors in words. I wish I were half as good.

I once planted Dichondra ,but somehow it is gone.
Thanks to you, I now understand it succumbed to the cold/wet conditions. It's striking the way it cascades .
Thanks a lot.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I'm bringing this back up because there are such beautiful combinations. I can never see enough of Tomtom's creations.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I agree Liz, and although you found out that Dichondra is supposed to be hardy here in Zone 8, and perennial, neither you nor I have found it has come through the winter. So it has disappeared like yours Tomtom. I too have been looking forward to some of your combinations and thinking about what you are doing this spring.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Just for fun, go to

to see the combinations.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Thank You revclaus! That was a delight to the eye and inspiration for the soul. Whole borders of this type would be wonderful, too. I enjoyed them muchly. Happy Growing!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I thank you too revclaus. I have been madly buying coleus, cordylines, all sorts of neat stuff for height and color. I have been looking at them sitting in the gh and I have had planting paralysis.
Sunrize, I bow to your expertise. You said it (dichondra 'Silver Falls')wouldn't be hardy here and you were right. Thank God. It looked wonderful as it was rooting at every node, metallic silver. I've already restocked. Love it.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Liz, you will have to show us your containers now!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I would Kell but everything is still sitting in the nursery flats all over the floor in the gh. Today I will get on it.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

I see that most lime-green color combinations have been well covered here, but being new, I just wanted to add my thoughts. I went all-out with lime/orange/maroon/black last summer, and was delighted with the result.

Thumbnail by DarkEmerald
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi Sunrize,last winter I tried Ruby Red you'd let me know.
But you know you don't have orange flowers available in winter.
When spring came and while I was thinking of planting pot marigolds ,alas,Ruby Red began to bloom:(

I'll sure try once again this fall . I love the silvery metalic dark red leaves so much!

Thumbnail by Tomtom

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