Dinner Plate Hibiscus

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Ok, does this thing set seeds, and if so, where do I find them? I'm at my parent's house in IL and they have one of these monsters. Someone going to the KY Roundup wanted seeds and if I can find them, I can take them. :)

Seedpod is a papery ball. Seeds are brown woody semicircles

Picture of seed pod taken from following link.
I couldn't find my own picture of seed pod, so posted this one instead.

Thumbnail by CoCo
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Carla, the seed pod will turn dark and pop open if/when the seeds are mature. It is much like the seed pod on the rose of sharon except that the seeds are dark round bb looking things.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I forgot to say, I had a nice picture of a pod, open with seeds and a green one and one about to pop open. They were on the last set of pics, when my camera went belly up. LOL

Finally located the picture that I took of my Hibiscus seed pod.
In this pod alone; I counted 145 seeds and then I know some dropped on the ground, so you can expect to have many seeds in one pod alone.

Thumbnail by CoCo
Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Well, phooey. I don't see anything like this on my mom's plant. I'll go out again tomorrow and have another look. It sure helps to have information (not to mention pictures) to go by.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

smiln, they may not be pollinating if you don't get pods. Try to pollinate some yourself and see what happens in a few days

Sweetwater, TX(Zone 7a)

My dinner plate hibiscus hasn't even bloomed yet, nor has one of my Rose of Sharon's! There are buds on both and they are maybe a week away, but c'mon! It has been 50 degrees or lower here at night this week, and they had better get to it!

I know one of them (H. Mascheuto Sweet Caroline) is late because it is young, but the others are one-year old plants. Anyone else in zone 5 (or 4, 3) have this problem?

Seedpods ARE developing on an older R of Sh. "Pink Giant' that I bought from Lowe's.

Badseed, how are your new babies (Blue River II and ?) from Kroger?

Mason, MI(Zone 5b)

coco, my rose mallow seed pod looks like yours, but it is not drying. It has been setting there green for the past month. This time of year will it even have time to dry on the plant? If I picked the pod now would the seed be viable.

Mason, MI(Zone 5b)

These all seeded done well around here and produced a lot of seeds that did dry this season, but was a little later than past years.

Blenheim, New Zealand

Untill to day, I didn't know there was such a plant.I put my thumb in to show the size.
Taken at the park.

Thumbnail by bootandall
Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Oooh..how beautifull! Wish we had them overhere in Netherlands.

Blenheim, New Zealand

I'm surprised they grow here. WE have the deciduous kind, maybe there are other species tucked about Blenheim.

A pic of it's beautiful bud.

Thumbnail by bootandall
Chantilly, VA(Zone 6b)

The ultimate desire of plant breeders is to develop a totally sterile cultivar! In the situation of the hibiscus family, this may be a big plus! If a plant is developed yhat can only be vegetatively propagated, i/e by division or more recently by tissue culture, it assures revenue to the "creatot" (actualy a discoverer or manipulator)for the combination. With Hibiscus, the seed set and consequences of some open pollinated cultivars makes it worthwhile to develop sterile cultivars.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Saya, if you'd like to me to try tosend you seeds, I will, I still have a some seeds left.


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