Iris at Walmart & Kmart

Des Plaines, IL

I too have not had the best luck with getting the correct named plants, but have some very nice iris I got at Home Depot and Wal Mart I can't identify them for sure. Since I take my iris to iris shows, I have to have the correct name ( the Judges are pretty sharp to spot misnamed plants) so I just grow the doubtful named ones for the pretty display and the named ones I am sure of are the ones I take to shows and use to hybridize. I keep them in separate beds and just enjoy the unknowns. The colors can vary quite a bit depending on the soil, amount of sun or shade, and fertilizer. I have received misnamed plants from commerical growers too, but it is rare.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Shoot. I got Sultan's Palace also from a local nursery same year, grew it together and they matched. Apparently we had a wholesaler out there misnaming them. The beard is usually a bronze in most of my pics, but this lighter photo. Never a red beard. Bummer.

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