fuschia seedpod

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

My fucshia(sc? or cs?) has a black shiny seedpod on it about the size of a peanut. What do I do with it? How do I know when it is ready and how do I use it? Thanks. :)

They are fruit (and quite tasty in my opinion)! They are ripe when they are a shiny maroony-black colour, just clean off the flesh and plant the seed at 60 to 75F, this is usually done is spring here.

If you're planting seed from a cultivar Fuchsia be prepared for a not very good looking offspring, most are OK but they do tend to be pink, single and fairly small (bit like me ;)

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Hmm...well it looks like mine is ready now then. Can I overwinter the seed or should I plant now? Does it have a 'pit' seed?

You can pick the fruit, allow it to dry and collect seed after that, then keep the seed in a dry storage container or you can clean it off now and try them fresh (or store), it's up to you.

The seeds aren't like a cherry stone, they are small, usually light brown and the fruit should have several in it. Some cultivars are reputed to be sterile so don't be too disappointed if they don't come up.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks baa! I'll try it when I get home. :)

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