apple and cherry

Greenville, OH(Zone 5a)

If I planted a cherry or apple tree, how many years do I have to wait before they produce any fruit?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Cherry will produce in as little as 2 yrs (a tease of a crop). Apple, could depend on the type of tree. A dwarf will produce in 2 to 3 yrs and continue for about 20. A standard can take up to 7 before it begins to offer its bounty, and will produce many many yrs if well taken care of.

Personally, I prefer dwarfs. I can plant them much closer together than standards, get fruit much sooner, and when the production shows a decline (in nearly 20 yrs) I'll just set out some more dwarfs.

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

I not only prefer dwarf, but self-pollinating dwarfs

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

You may want to try a 3 or 4 in one. They pollinate each other and take up little space if you have a free wall.

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