What do I do with my shell beans or dry beans

Lakeland, MN(Zone 4a)

For something new to try, I planted a black turtle shell/dry bean. I am not sure which it is. When do I harvest and what do I do next? Do, I allow them to dry out etc. before I can cook with them? What is the best way to store them?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

epazote...You've been waiting for a reply for quite a while it seems! There may be a bigger response to this question in the Legumes Forum.

As for me, I've always seen Black Turtle used as dry beans. You could let them dry on the plants then shell them out at that time pretty easily. Why not try them fresh, tho...just to see what they taste like? Might be time-consuming to shell them in the fresh stage tho, but who knows, it might be worth it!

Lakeland, MN(Zone 4a)

Thank you for your thoughts. I am new to Dave's Garden and didn't see a legume forum. Again, thank you for you your helpful thoughts

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

A hearty Welcome to DG. See you in Legumes, okay?http://davesgarden.com/f/legumes/

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