Your personal favorites?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Looking for pear, peach and apple varieties for the mid/upper south, with probably 800-1200 chilling hours depending on how the winter goes.

I'm leaning toward 'Arkansas Black' apple, 'Seckel' pear and 'Snow Queen' peach, plus something else for pollination.

But I haven't even checked availability of these varieties, so my mind is far from made up. If you were me, and could plant just four fruit trees, what varieties would you select and why?

Proctorville, OH(Zone 5b)

I know that everyone has a favorite apple...
We bought the Arkansas Black from starks. It is a beautiful apple after it is shined up. (It ripens late and stores well, staying crisp, But it is not the tastiest apple.

Grimes Golden are my favorite.
The asian pear, (I forget the name) It is a round pear, sold by Starks, another of my favorites.

Make sure you get self pollinating apples, if you go for just one variety.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the tips. Good point about the pollination, although we have a crabapple in our yard, and my neighbor has an apple tree, too. I'm off to check out 'Grimes Golden'....

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I really like, and have had great luck with Hale Haven, Elberta, and Reliance Peach trees.

Not sure if meet the zone requirements you're looking for, but they are fantastic bearers, the fruit is a nice medium sized, juicy and sweet.


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