Blank Canvas

Milton Keynes, Engla, United Kingdom

I've just moved into a new house in Milton Keynes (England)- Feb 2003. I've had built a wooden decked patio, with an overhead pergola, in the south facing area of the garden - a brilliant sun trap. The decking has been built against a solid brick wall (side of the garage)so effectively, it looks like a room in the garden. It covers quite a large area - enough space for an 8-seater dining area and a separate "chill-out" section with low benches and table. I planted some jasmine, honeysuckle and clematis in pots to train them up the posts in the hope they would help to cover the posts that make up the pergola roof - no such luck! I really would like to cover the roof and posts quickly, but prettily. I've read about wisteria and grape vine, friends have told me to steer clear of ivy as it takes over everything and to replant the clematis, honeysuckle and jamsine into the ground not pots as they will grow more slowly being restricted by space.

Any ideas out there as to what I should do to achieve a pretty, overall cover, effect in the quickest time possible.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

You might try posting this in the International Trading Forum, as you are more likely to get suggestions from others with similar zones.

It would be helpful also if you'd go to "About You" on the right column, click on "Preferences" and edit your Location and Zone. Then it would show up on your posts so others can more readily suggest the right thing.

Milton Keynes, Engla, United Kingdom

many thanks :o) - new user!
I'll try it out.

Sweetwater, TX(Zone 7a)

V ~ Good luck! It sounds like a fabulous patio "room!" Send your builder over here...

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

vz - you are living in my mother's neck of the woods - well almost!! I will post some ideas for you tomorrow since I have to rush off now. Just wanted to say hello and welcome!! :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sandra which clematis did you plant?? The really vigorous ones are the viticella hybrids and the Montanas. How about climbing roses??? I found this site for you - some good ideas.....and by the way, your friends were right about the potted plants. Given your really hot summer you really need to plant them in the ground. :-)

This message was edited Monday, Aug 4th 1:54 PM

Milton Keynes, Engla, United Kingdom

Thank you all for your messages. Excellent website Louisa. I'm off on my holidays to Turkey for 2 weeks tomorrow. I'll post a pic of the decking and the pergola when I return.
Wishing you all well.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh boy and we could have directed you to Bodrum where our friend Pebble is living but I see it might be too late for that now.

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