Trombocino Squash

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)


Here is a pic of the vine, quite a giant vine!!!!! You will love this squash. Too Bad I can't ship it to you!!!! My DH says it's the best squash he has ever eaten! Next pic will be of the imature squash.

Thumbnail by Jul
Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Pic of the squash. Yes, the squash is THAT LONG!!! See the one on the left inside, look up past the leaf and you will see the begining of the squash! I let it get 2 inches around and then harvest. I have had it much larger and it is still wonderful. When grown on the ground, it curls up like a trombone!

Thumbnail by Jul
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Wow, that's different! I've never heard of this variety. Tell us what it tastes like and how you cook it.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

It tastes like a patty pan type squash. Mild and kind of sweet tasting. I saute it in small amt of olive oil with garlic and then put it in the oven. The garlic gets sweet and the squash is incredible! You can cook it like any other summer squash. Sort of a nutty artichoke taste.

MaryE, Hows your garden growing????

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Jul, I'm growing this squash this year (I found the seeds during our dump week). The stuff is wonderful. One problem, I planted it too close to my apricot tree and then went away for 2 weeks. Well, I now have the squash hanging from the tree, we are going to have to use the ladder to cut the squash off as we want them. But the plant looks wonderful and I'm really happy with my find.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Kathy T,

Have you eaten any of the squash yet? I will tell you, this is the best veggie find of my life. I can't think of a garden without it anymore. (neither can our friends)

Right now I have a tomato that is growing that is not what it was supposed to be. But it is good. A 1lb yellow tangy fruited tomato, and it isn't mushy!!! I can't wait to make Salsa! But I will have to wait since I only have 2 ripe so far. Thanks for the input!

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Jul, yes we ate part of one the other night sauted and then put in pasta. Tonight we will have more in a salad. I love the flavor.

Do you know what kind of tomato you have? It sounds great.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Not really, it was supposed to be Aussie! But somehow it got in there. I may have had a stray seed from another place. I have been looking at what I planted and I traded a "Wonder Light", also I think a pineapple tomato. But it does not fit either on the taste or look. But you bet I will save the seeds!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the description of the squash, I will have to see if I can find that kind. I grow yellow straightneck summer squash, they taste like crooked necks but aren't quite as entertaining, no fat looking little geese, etc. My garden is doing quite well, I should get some pictures. The first corn is starting to make tassles, beans have a few blossoms, onions falling over and saying "we are done", green tomatoes. It's different every day. We have had 2 days of 100 degrees plus with some wind to pull the water out of everything, it's a challenge to keep things watered.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

I know how it is with wind. We get high gusts a lot and get windy from 1 til 6ish. Sometimes we get so windy that I have to go out also to water. I am thinking of growing one for seeds for next year.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

MaryE, there were 2 open packages of these seeds in the stuff I found. I can send you a few seeds if your interested. One package is dated 2001 and the other noting, but I planted 4 seeds and all 4 came up, so they seem pretty good. If you are interested send me your address.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Wheww...finally found this thread! Thanks, Jul!

Looks like a pretty plant! Can't wait to try it!

Do you notice them being less attacked by bugs by any chance?

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes!!!!! Shoe... I have noticed they sure are less attacked. I have not seen one squash bug. I had not been spraying Safer Soap since I was laid up in a cast, and I only saw your basic no-seeums. But since I am now a walkin' I sprayed my toms and squash so I thought, well, fruit is on it so I'd better take some precaucions and spray the trombocinos even if I didn't see any bad guys.

I can't believe how they look today! They grow like weeds once they get some fruit on them. I will take a pic tomorrow and update. I took that pic on the posting date. It's amazing.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's a picture of my squash growing in my apricot tree. It has really taken over.

Thumbnail by Kathy_T
Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

You can see it growing behind the sunflower in this one. This squash is also moving at about the same rate in the other direction (I think it could take over the garden before long).

Thumbnail by Kathy_T
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Mercy! Great pics! I can hardly wait!!

Thanks folks! (Drumming my fingers here, encouraging seeds to declare! Thanks Jul!)

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

That plant is absolutely crazy! I might try growing mine on a teepee like you do for climbing green beans. Somehow the whole thing reminds me of Jack's beanstalk.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Yeh, I will take some pics this weekend to add to the photo fest!

Kathy, mine has managed to get into my lemon tree. My husband should be in town this weekend and maybe we can try to extract it from the tree! The tops look like a swan head and they are so silly when they grow up. I like the curved shape when grown on the ground. They also get wider around (lots) when on the ground. Your garden looks like mine, a Jungle!

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are a couple of big guys with some hanging honeydews in the background. I took this yesteerday. I have 4 this large and more on the way.

Thumbnail by Jul
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

shoe,my twisted sense of humour.....I'd love to plant one by the power pole out front....too bad the old windmill was removed before we bought this century farm.......>^,,^< SB

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Heheh...that ain't twisted! That's downright wonderful! I say do it! ;>)

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Already on my list for seeds next year.Scooterbug

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Scoot and Shoe,

I fried some of one of these guys with some fattening butter and garlic, cooked them until clear and starting to get crispy. sooooo wonderful. But, they are really good when they are only 1 foot long. That is the best time to pic them unless you are making chips out of them. The chips were gone in a heartbeat! I like them grown up the trellis, but I think they taste better when grown on the ground. They don't get that club foot on the ground. They remind me of Fred Flinstones club!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

UM_m-m-m-m Could fryup anything in butter & garlic...Yesssireeebob! lol SB

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)'re making this hard for me to wait! (and I have no choice in the matter! No fair!) ;>)

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry Shoe.... Too bad I can't ship one to you!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Dangit. I can't find the thread where someone wanted the recipe for zuchini pancakes. Jul, was it you? Or Scooterbug? Sign me,

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Not me, I have a zuchinni fritter receipe from my mom somewhere in my file of stuff, so I got one!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Not me either. ;-) SB

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm...maybe GardenGym? (It's me mind, ya know.) Oh well, I'm sure she/he will come forth.

Now as for you, JUL!...Wonder if that zuke fritter is a zuke pancake? Reckon you better post it, eh? eh?

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

If you're into frying squash try this simple recipe. Slice the squash into 1/4 inch thick rounds, dip in beaten egg and then coat with soda cracker crumbs (aka saltines) and fry them till golden brown in salad oil (I don't deep fry them but it would work I guess). Drain on paper towels and serve them with a little parmesan cheese (the dry kind) or a squirt of lemon juice, or just plain. Since I haven't got any trombocino squash growing I use zucchini or better yet yellow summer squash. Yummy, we just had that for dinner. Edited to correct my bad spelling or sloppy fingers.

This message was edited Monday, Aug 11th 10:27 PM

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)


Now you are going to make me find that silly receipe. You opened a can-O-worms, or maybe I did! LOL... So, guess I better start diggin.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Jul, Nyah Nyahh Nyah boo-boo! ;>)

Mary, sounds good to me! Never tried the lemon juice squirt but tend to keep it around. I'll go for it.

Lake Elsinore, CA(Zone 9a)

Still looking for that receipe. I'll let you know when it lets me find it!

Pioneer, CA

We've been buying this squash at the farmers market this year and love it, next year it will be in my garden!!! We grill it in the George Forman and it's wonderful.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

You can get these seeds from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply.
They also have an online catalog (You need adobe reader)
Lotsa goodies here......>^,,^< SB

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Peaceful Valley also has a reasonable price on 25 lb. bags of Sluggo... a natural product slub bait.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Jul, I am thinking of offering this plant in my area this year (suggested by VGNKY) and wanted to know if I could use your pic of it on my web site. If you or anyone have more pics of it could you e-mail them to me here or at my site ( )?


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