Collecting snapdragon seeds

Stockport, OH(Zone 6b)

I need some help on when to collect snapdragon seeds-as I understand it the seeds are in the pods that form after a blossom has dropped off, they are tiny white seeds- do you need to leave the pod on the plant until it is really dry so the seeds will mature or are these tiny white seeds good? If I cut some for a bouquet will the seeds mature after cutting? Thanks for any help, I'm new at this seed saving stuff.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I would think just about any kind of seeds need to be dried out on the plant first. It does take energy from the plant but if you are wanting seeds, it doesn't matter.
Yea I'd say leave them on there until they are good and dry. As for the ones you cut off for bouquet drying out and becoming viable seeds....Its worth a shot, but I wouldn't let that be the only seeds I collected. I'd let some dry on the plant itself for back up.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

dont collect the seeds until the pod opens naturally.

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