Propagating Porcelain Berry

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Is it too late? I want to take my plant with me,but it's too big to move. Can I take cuttings? I've tried layering it, but no roots so far.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Susie, a piece of mine was nipped off and left by a deer or something last fall. I stuck it in a glass of water. I don't remember if it rooted in the water or after I put it in soil, but it should be fine to take some cuttings and keep them in water until your move. You could wrap the bottoms in damp paper towel and baggie for the move, then pot them up when you get there. I'm not sure how long I left it in water, but I'm sure it was at least a week or two.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Ronna, thank you so much!! I will take cuttings tomorrow.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Cala, I sure hope you can get some rooting of your plant. I love these plants! I bought two of them last year in one gallon pots and neither of them made it. They were in the clearance section and I think their roots had gotten too dry before I got them. I will try again next year with fresh plants.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Good grief I have wacked on this thing all summer I never thought about taking cuttings. I'll cut on it this weekend and try some different ways to root it. Maybe I can get some going Susie just in case yours don't make it(which I doubt) and if I do Lani your welcome to some too.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Yippeee!! I will be waiting to hear if you can get some going. I am wondering if the shrub and tree rooting hormone would work on this stuff to help it along?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Cuttings are rooted! Thanks guys!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

wow, that was pretty fast. I sure hope they do really well for you in your new home.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I am going to try to take some cuttings off of my do you do that?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I just took semi ripe stem cuttings. Some did rot, so take more than you need.

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