How about this?

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Well everybody has different things to cause them grief. You have to worry about cooling your GH and having too hot for your plants. We have to worry about heating and having them go thru untimely frosts. It's character building for sure; maybe that's why gardeners are such nice folk.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

jagonjune.. We have some frost. Last year in mid Nov we had to go to Virginia with very little notice. We had a sudden & early frost & got everything. I brought back some plants that my daughter & a friend gave me since I lived in FL & put them in our shed under lites. They did fine till we had a real hard cold spell for a couple of days & most were lost as we had no heat in there. One cold spell & then it turned warm again. The spider plants is all that made it. We plan on having a little heat in for the greenhouse on real cold nites. This is a learning experience for us but at least we have help(this forum)

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

I'd like to have a hose sprayer,too.I can't find one here,though. Yes Zinnia in general get mildew so easily as you said,still Zinnia linearis (Mexcan zinnia)I grow are mildew-free and flower from July till November.
Take a look at a pic of them which was taken two three years ago.

I bury the organic fertilizer around the pot so I may not hurt the plants.I spread the chemical in such a way that it doesn't touch the plants.It easily dissolves in rain and watering.The chemical N:P:K ratio of the bottom-middle in my last pic is 10:10:10,and that of tha bottom -right is 8:8:8.
Nice for you to have a greenhouse.May your plants thrive there.


Jagonjune,You're right to say everbody has different things to cause their grief. The best way to grow plants well is,
certainly, to grow those which best suit your climate, but even if you're well aware of it,you couldn't very often resist the temptation of trying those which do not.

Thumbnail by Tomtom

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