How do I save my hibiscus seeds

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I need to know when and how to save a dry my hibiscuis seeds, from my Hardy Hibiscus, can anyone give me some tips? And some one said Clematis make seeds Where are they? I didn't see any, Oh and my Datura How do i save those? Let the pod dry and then open it? Or open it and Let the seeds dry?

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I think most every seed pod needs to dry out on the plant before you pull it off.
The Hibiscus, is the same way. Once the seed head starts turning brown then just keep an eye on it. Then when it is totally brown you can pull it off and you should have dried seeds in the pod. But go ahead and let them dry out more after you pull them off too. You can lay them on newspaper or paper towels and let them finish drying. When you store them be sure NOT to store them in plastic bags. I usually put mine in envelopes and hang them on a cork board to let them dry out until I have a trade for them.
As for the Clematis, I am pretty sure that the hairy looking things that are usually in the center of the bloom are the seeds. After the flower petels fall off the center part stays and usually starts to curl up and turn brown. I have pulled off several on mine and again I put them in enveoples to finish drying.
The Datura, it might depend on the kind of Datura you have. But when I had Datura Metel and the prickly round seed pods would start to turn brown I would pull them off then.
Hope this helps ya a little.
Maybe someone else will come along and help ya out too.

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Springsong - If you want to collect the seeds - for the datura, I would suggest let the pod dry out on the plant to the point that it yellows a bit and opens slightly - they crack pretty well and then you can shake the seeds out. You might need to separate the pod from the plant with gloves or scissors - my Lilac La Fleur are prickly buggers.

I'm trying to make sure mine don't crack open wide in the garden - my plants got a bit too large and unwieldy for the edges of my hosta garden and I don't think I want them there next year.

I've collected a few pods - for trading and next year, but now I am going to start clipping the pods before they harden - otherwise I'll probably have thousands of seeds.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

The seeds on the Clematis will be attached to the hairy things. Usually I only get a very few viable seeds per plant, in a season. I don't know if it's me, or if that is how they all are. The seeds are dk brown and kind of heart shaped. Hope this helps.

Bethany, OK(Zone 7b)

Martha Stewart presented a way to dry herbs in the refrigerator and I wonder if seeds could be dried in the same way.

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