Sweet autumn Clematis

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I have been nursing two climbing roses on a trellis for a few years now. They grow and bloom okay... but they've never really thrived there and I'm getting tired of babying them along. I want a tough plant that will grow and cover the trellis. The soil is not the best. It's clay and dries out terrible in the summer. I'm sure that's why the roses have not done well. Will a sweet autumn clematis do okay there?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Once you get them acclimated, they will grow anyplace. I never water mine and it still thrives. It gets mostly morning to about 2 PM sun and blooms it's head off. I cut it back to about six inches every year and it just goes crazy. They sure smell good when they bloom, too.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Have had mine for 4 yrs. It grew up into the spouting, so I moved it to the back with a trellis, it took over that and makes so much shade, I trim it back all summer, it still is full of blooms in August. Sure should grow well for you. Do you want a start?

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Poppysue mine is in hard clay soil and full or rocks its at the end of my driveway gets all the afternoon sun and I hardly ever water that bed it has to be tough to survive the neglect.Be glad to get you some if you want it.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Have had one for years that I ignored. It grew inspite of me and blooms like crazy, I love it. Have to hold it back or it will smother my crepe myrtles and althea. Want cuttings?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Okay. Y'all talked me into it. Actually, I think next spring would be a better time tp plant for me. The roses are blooming now so I might as well leave them until they finish. I think the clematis would do better planted in spring. I'll hit someone up for a piece then.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Sounds good, I think mine stays green year round.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

poppysue......you might want to get a whip and a chair!!!! E. this is one tenacious vine!

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

I had the same rose thing going on. 2nd year for the sweet autumn Clematis. It died back to the ground last winter; it is now 6' up a trellis. I really don't mind the trimming part at all. Just glad to fill the trellis.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

It is worth growing, if you have the space! I can divide now, probably will bloom for you this year. PLMK

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Poppy, I have some for you too.......LMK....I think it will continue for you this year!


Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

poppysue, I have lots of small plants, I will send you enough to fill a fence if you want them.

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Mine are doing well from seed started last year. Hope they bloom this fall, love that vanilla scent.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thank you for this thread. I think I've found the perfect plant for covering a bare spot on the outside of our house where it looks like we forgot to put in a window. From what I've read it can also take sun and is hardy to zone 4?

I had a different clematis from the coop there, but it absolutely hated it and was threatening to die, so I moved it, gently, since they don't like to be moved. That one is doing much better on the north side of the house where there's more shade. I still have this ugly bare spot on the southeast corner of the house though and I think this might work. The sweet autumn can take more sun/heat, right? Or am I mistaken?

Just had to tell ya that I learned something today. :) Thank you.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, it seems to be ok for heat/sun. Mine is SW, gets sun until afternoon. It gets out of control. Not really, so easy to cut it back when it starts growing too much. I love the smell when it is FULL of blooms, usually end of August.

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I don`t think it has any special requirements. I have it in full shade, full sun and partial sun/shade and it still grows the same. PS, also have plenty of it.

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