Hibiscus Info, which forum

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Our daughters bought my wife a potted Hibiscus. Had on front porch (faces south) and too darn hot for it. Moved to back deck and seemed fine but now the leaves are turning brown and dropping off. It has had some nice blooms on it. We don't know whether we are watering it too much or not enough. Have fed it Miricale Grow and don't know for sure whether its a heavy feeder or not. If this is not the best forum for these questions please direct me to the correct one.


"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Perhaps Tropicals would have more people who can anwer questions on what I am assuming is a tropical Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Mine are in the hot sun, and seem fine. There are some yellow leaves from time to time. What I am waiting for are the first blooms on these hybrids I started from seed two years ago!

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you PardanCanada,

It is a lot hotter here than in New Jersey, this plant was just given to her a couple of months ago and has had some nice blooms. Starting from seed I can understand why it is taking so much time to bloom. Will continue to watch this thread but will go to tropicals also.


Hold back on the water. Keep just moist, but not soggy.
Is it a tropical or hardy Hibiscus? All of my hardy hibiscus are in full sun all day long and are doing great and I feed them about every couple weeks or so. They are heavy feeders, but don't like wet feet.
The hardy Hibiscus will not tolerate dry conditions. Prefers full sun but will need partial shade in hot, humid climates.

Q & A on this link about caring for tropical Hibiscus.


(edited because left out a word.)

This message was edited Sunday, Jun 29th 8:52 AM

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you Coco,
Everything we needed to know was in that Hyperlink plus what you had to say was right. My wife's husband was getting her to water much more than needed. We had no mulch around it which is now corrected. I am a veg gardener and know very little about ornimentals.


:} Glad to be of service and hope the Hibiscus does well from here on out.
Happy gardening to you!

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