I need tips on rooting several different plants

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I got these cuttings from my mother and her neighbor can anyone tell me how to root them? I NEED HELP ASAP
rose of sharon tree
vortex hybrid purple butterfly bush Tree type
mandevilla yellow

This message was edited Wednesday, Jun 25th 3:14 PM

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

I find most things root out for me with rooting hormone dusted on, then the cutting put into wet sand in a 4" pot. Then I cover the whole thing in a plastic bag, keep it out of direct sunlight (in put it under a north facing eave in our atrium) and wait.
I found mandevilla at http://davesgarden.com/t/364453/
and general at http://davesgarden.com/t/73515/
goto google http://www.google.com and type
cuttings from ****
where **** is the plant you want to know about.
Or just look a little to the right for "Search Dave's Garden" and put in cuttings - a little patience and you can sort through 4,200 postings.

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much George4tax i appreciate the info

This message was edited Wednesday, Jun 25th 6:43 PM

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