Fuzzy Inch Worms?

Iola, WI

I have something attacking some of my trees. This is our first year here. We noticed that some of our trees have branches that are dead. We were sitting outside today on the deck when a small fuzzy inchworm-like creature came floating down on a thread of silk. I noticed last week that the underside of some of the leaves were discolored. I now realize that they were holes. What could these bugs be and how can I get rid of them.
I can't afford to hire an aboritist(sp?) as my BIL suggested. I have access to a "cherry picker" so I have access to the top part of the trees for spraying.
Any help would be appreciated!

Iola, WI

According to the ID card at Menards I have Tent Caterpillars.
Any thoughts on how to get rid of them short of insecticide sprays?

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

When I lived in Michigan the only thing that worked was Torching (literally) them and hand picking them.They are NASTY little things.Can kill and entire forest.BAD BAD Bugs.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I have seen them on one wild cherry tree on our land and I agree they are unsightly. I'm glad you brought this up because it was something I wanted to look into. Here is a very good link with an upside to this problem. Upside to other creatures, not our trees.


Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Sometimes if you can break up the webs with water, the birds will eat them..

Iola, WI

Thanks for the additional info. I haven't seen the nests yet, but I'll be looking carefully over the next few weeks.

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