John Crapper weather - official!!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Here in very wet Northern Ireland we have just had the wettest May in 40 years with rain at 157% of the average. dies this mean we are 57% over average?. This also gives us the dullest May in 40 years.

Friday and Saturday did make up. 26C on Friday and 24C on Saturday. This was cause by a hot air 'plume' originating in the plains of Spain reaching into Finland, Norway and Sweden.

I have tried the age old rhyme "Rain rain go the Spain let it rain another day" but it hasnt worked. I should have got up at the crack of dawn yesterday to cut my hedge!

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

Yesterday was pretty windy in Lappeenranta, not very warm I could say.
But previous day was warm, hot would be better word to that day.
Weather is very flighty now, it could rain on morning and it could be over 25 on afternoon....

East Falmouth, MA(Zone 7a)

It can be discouraging having so much rain. We had some drought conditions lat summer, so I don't mind the abundant rain we've been getting here in the northeast USA. I just wish that ourweekends would be sunny, so I could get out in the garden!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

We had 30 friday and sun, 31 saturday and sun, Sunday was overcast and 26 until it got to about 6pm, then the thunder started and the rain. It poured all night and the thunder is still rumbling around this morning and spitting.

We've had a wet May, but nothing compared with you! This corner of the country tends to be too dry, so it's given all the plants a boost to see a bit more water

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

what gets me is that it is either too dry ,or too wet...or even worse..overcast for days..but no rain either!!
Wish it'd rain over night, sunny in the day.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I think the northwest has had the best of the weather this year. We have had some wonderful sunshine and not nearly enough rain. Cant remember the last time it rained here. Must have been the middle of last week sometime.

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I live only a few miles from the driest point in England.I have several water butts placed around my house as I need as much water for my plants as I can get. My soil is well drained glacial clay so dries up quickly. It was quite strange the other day to see it raining heavily four miles away & not a drop here. In winter any snow is light until we get a few miles down the road. Could be because we are in a valley? ( Yes Essex does have a few hills!!!)
Except for last night - no lightning, just a rumble or two of thunder but the water butts are very full :)

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