Friday 25th May

Well it roasting hot here today in the fens, light wind too, have to mow the lawns and see to my pond filters today, and drive to Ely later to fetch the ribbit back, no rest for the wicked they say, took all my big plants from the GH this week, will start to plant them out tonight when its cooler, my one surviving banana reached the roof of the GH so it was time, most of my new cannas have grown really quickly too, going to be a busy day, so see you all later, have a good one.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow Alan - sounds like June is busting out all over for you!!!! Well almost. Plants growing leaps and bounds - can't be bad. Enjoy the great weather and hope all this rain over here doesn't head your way - but you will probably need it with all that heat eh!! I can remember the fierce winds and the dust storms when I lived there and would have been glad of the rain. East Anglia is so dry!! Guess the ribbit is brown all over by now eh!! Enjoy your weekend and that goes for all our UK buddies!!

Had to mow the lawn twice this week Alan,second time since when?
Everything is coming up and it does now begin to
look like a garden.
We will soon be wishing for rain, have a nice weekend

you have no idea how stinky those pond filters were

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