My Father's Opinion vs. Your Opinion

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

My Dad's opinion is that seeds that you gather yourself aren't of the same quality as the seeds you purchase. He seems to think that purchased seeds are given a "boost" of some sort. Now in my mind I can't imagine what that boost could be so it's a discussion that we have every year.

Your opinion??

Your father has a point there.

Seeds from reputable seed companies aren't necessarily given a 'boost' (some are but should be labelled as such). What happens is that they are tested for viability and sorted into different grades, the highest quality go into the picturesque seeds packets for retail. Lower grades that are still viable (and to be honest still have a high quality) tend to go into the mixtures.

The seeds you find a a shop bought packet should be of good size, viability and colour, they will also appear almost identical because they've been selected. When you open a seed pod of course you get all sorts of sizes, colours, chaff, dust, empty cases, bis of mould etc.

Technically, a pack of shop bought seeds should give you better results than the same number of garden collected seeds. A lot depends on how good the seed graders were and if the merchants stored them properly.

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

sorry this my bad English understanding....but do I understand this right? you dad thinks that seeds which have purchased grow better than seeds which you have collected your own?
I haven`t noted different....seeds which somebody have collected on their own garden grow seeds which have bought in market.:)

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you soooo much Baa. Your explanation was very easy to Dad is sort of right. Well, God Bless him. I guess after gardening for over 80 years I should believe him alittle more.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I was going to say, WHO IS GONNA ARGUE WITH DAD??? LOL I do agree with Baa. I don't always test my seeds, but I do try to start some before I share them.


My pleasure. I dredged all that up from college days, and some hazy trips to Ag seed companies. I understand parts of the process are very similar for Ag and Hort, the seeds are run through graded sieves, first to clean them and then for seed size. Viability is tested by dying the germ in cereal seed as well as some germination and chitting trials (depending on the subsequent use of crop), horticultural companies tend to test germinate a small percentage of the crop to see how they perform.

It also means that you get what you pay for more often than not, and as the cheap companies tend to use the lower graded/quality seed they tend to have lower germination results for the end user. OK not always but it happens.

Good old Dad! Can't beat experience :)


If you sow fresh collected garden seed then they do tend to germinate well, the seeds in a shop bought packet are professionally dried in machines so can't be considered fresh. A lot also depends on what you are growing, some seeds lend themselves to drying well, others prefer to be sown quickly and some seeds pop up no matter what their origin!

If you get good results every time regardless of where they came from ... we want to know your secret!!! :)


Ooo that's naughty!!! *G*

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

well, maybe you`re right....if I remember littler better.....I think that market seeds have sprouted little better....I think that almost all market seeds have sprouted to me....but not all trade seeds....


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Don't get me wrong, I love to trade!! I have probably done some 600 trades in the last five years, some for seeds, some for plants. The only time I have problems with seeds sprouting, seems to be with veggies. Then you have the mismarked ones. LOL But, hey, it is fun. :) Trading is like a box of chocolates........

I enjoy trading too and it's even better when I can trade some from my own for much wanted seeds. I've had a bit of a mixed bag from garden collected trades and some empty seed casings (luck of the draw and a different topic). The one plus about bought seeds is that I have some kind of comeback if the seeds are mislabelled or 0% germination.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

My discussion with Daddy started cause my marigold seeds didn't sprout. Marigolds!! Good grief..they'll sprout anywhere but mine didn't. So ashopping I will go. It seems that only the seeds that I gather don't sprout. The seeds I get from people do.

I'm so confused....but then again...that's a normal state for me. lol

Don't feel bad SLEDDER. I planted white marigold seeds and those didn't come up either. Wouldn't you know, I'm still pulling up zinnia's that have been volunteering from 2 years ago. They are all over the place and think I'm getting more of them popping up more each year. Some I leave; but most I pull up and pull up those that I leave before they go to seed and just can't seen to get ahead of the great zinnia pulling adventure.
Father Knows Best,I guess.

cape may court house, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hello Sledder:
Daddy's do know best, right?
question for all of you.
I have a locally grown "Rugosa Rose" it's gorgeous this year. I saw what I thought was a seed at least it looked like one!
If it is a seed what do I do with it?? Would love to make more plants.... Willing to share.

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