Coreopsis Limerock Ruby..NOT a perennial!!!!

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

I've just received a refund from Pinetree for the three Limerock Ruby I purchased, and received just days ago. They tell me it's not a perennial after all. Bummer!!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Limerock Ruby is a patented plant. I find it hard to believe it's not a perennial. Maybe it's not in our zone.... mine didn't come back either. I've seen some sources indicate it's hardy to zone 6. They compare it to 'Moonbeam' but I did think it looked more like a coreopsis tinctorea variety.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Poppysue, I don't have any trouble with Moonbeam here in northwest Missouri...I wonder, have you heard anything about American Dream? I ordered it as well...woe is me!!!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

MossRose: I have American Dream, it is just now showing new growth. I'm a little northeast of you. I have trouble with Moonbeam returning the next spring. Try collecting seed from the Limerock to sow next year. They may not all look like limerock, but some surely will.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I raised this from plugs this year in my greenhouse and the label has perenniel on it and that is how we have marketed it. But I will say I grew a piece last year and it was spectacular but didn't come back. So I wonder?

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm in zone 7 and mine didn't come back either :(

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Mine didn't come back either. I'm so glad to learn that it's not a perennial, because I was on the look out to buy some more. Now, I'll know to look for some of the American Dream instead.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

The more I think about this, the more complex it gets. Poppysue tells us it's patented, and of course she's correct; then Lenjo indicates marketing it as a perennial; after all, it's been advertised as such. Just think of all the people who purchased these plants? And the merchants who, in good faith, sold it as a perennial. I contacted the second vendor I purchased Limerock from, and she hadn't heard anything about it not being a perennial, but was going to ask some questions. I haven't heard back from her yet. We're talking gobs of money on both sides of the fence... What a mess!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

All I know is our supplier lists it hardy for zone 4 - 9.
Lots of perennials bit the dust here,(and I am sure everywhere), because of the winter. Seems to me I remember all you southern zone people chating about lots of ice, snow, & cold weather that you normally don't get! We had an open winter, very cold, then warm, then 20º below zero for an extended period. Frost in ground went down 5 ft. We know why our plants didn't make it. So, look at your zone & see if maybe temps didn't fit this past winter.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I know out here for me we had an unusual early hard freeze in October. It had been warm and things were still actively growing and then one night it went down into the lower twenties and we hadn't had any frosts yet. And then now it has been so cool and wet here this spring. So I do think that is a possibility of why my Limerock Ruby didn't come back.

west allis, WI(Zone 4b)

my limerock didn't come back either. I bought it from the nursery I work for and they said it was hardy too!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

This is Coreopsis tinctoria 'Mahogany Midget' ... an annual. Looks a lot like Limerock Ruby, doesn't it? Hmmmm.....

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Yes Poppysue....hmmmmmmm?????

Dearborn, MI(Zone 5b)

Reporting in from southern Michigan: A friend and I both planted gallon-size Limerock Ruby last year, ten plants altogether, and all of them died over the winter. All that was left was the little starter plug. We had a tough winter, but my perennials, with the exception of Limerock Ruby and a stand of crocosmia, all survived, and many of them were newly planted in an expanded garden. The real damage in my garden was to evergreens, especially azaleas. I agree that Limerock Ruby isn't hardy as advertised.

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Limerock Ruby is suppose to be changed from perennial to annual status. This comes from the owner of a very large wholesale nursery in my area.

Mine didn't come back either. I don't know anyone who actually did have it come back.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Mine has been in the ground for two weeks now, about...and it's tripled in size,,and perennials usually don't go that fast. I'm going to enjoy it anyway,,and hopefully gather some seed.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

That was interesting reading about Limerock Ruby, I bought it about 6 weeks ago, it is just beginning to bloom. I guess here in my normally zone 5 I can't expect it to live over. Last winter for the most part was zone 6, but next winter might be zone 4, we can't depend on zones from year to year in this area. Donna

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, I broke down and bought some at Lowe's a couple of weeks ago. They had gallon size pots for $3.96. At that price, I can afford to treat them as annuals.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Bummer. Guess I better be on the lookout for seed this fall, huh? It'll be interesting to see what the seeds produce for plants next year...

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Me too. I was thiiiiiiiiiis close to getting it from Plant Delights nursery!

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Has anyone been successful in gathering seed from this beauty? It looks to be all chaff to me,,,unless the seed is so teeny I need a magnifying glass..

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

My plant from last year didn't come back either. I tried collecting seed, but mine looked like all chaff too-and nothing grew when I tried planting it. Was waiting for the plant to go on sale at the end of season to try again (our only local nursery that has it has a 3 gallon pot for $19.95, but last year cleared out all their perennial for $1.00-$3.00 the end of season) I think I may pass after reading all of this!!

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

Bummer !!!!!!!

I didn't realize LRR was out before this year and I bought 6 of the gallon size at approx $6 ea.

I also was surprized at how well they grew in a short time and think they are beautiful color. REALLY THOUGHT I HAD SOMETHING ! Now I'm thinking I won't have SOMETHING next year.

I just joined DG recently and have really enjoyed reading what everyone has to say about stuff. Wish I had discovered it sooner.

So tell the american dream supposed to be a perenial ? Is it red ? Anyone have a picture ?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We just got our new catalog from our perennial supplier. Limerock Ruby is now listed as Zone 6-9. Some of you may be lucky to be father south than us!

Cortlandt Manor, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh shucks!!

I bought 6 gallon containers of this in the last month!!!!

Now I will be praying for a mild winter. :(

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

YardGirl, here's the American Dream, and I can't imagine that its perennial,,,it grew too fast and flowered the first year from seed...but its a beauty.

Thumbnail by MossRose
Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Here's a close up. Right after a rain.

Thumbnail by MossRose
Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

MossRose, thanks so much for the pic's. It looks almost identical to one that I also bought, for the first time this year, called "Sweet Dreams" and, as was Limerock , it's labled as a perennial. Sweet Dreams grew as well for me as you say American Dream did for you so I guess now it's just Wait & See next year. I haven't figured out how to post pics yet. Sorry I can't show ya mine.

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

I bought the coriopsis sweat dreams last year and it did come back-so definately a perennial here in zone 6!!

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

That's good news to me Kat7. I was starting to think I would just have to be content with the different yellow coreopsis (which I do love) but I really want the red too ! They made such a nice partner with my Helenium & Gallardias.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Okay, let's get all this straight. The photo by MOSS ROSE is Sweet Dreams, zone 5-9. American Dream is all pink & zone 3-9. At least none of you will have to listen to all the people wanting a replacement. I haven't decided how to handle that yet. All you zone 7 & up people, drive up & I will give you a deal on Limerock Ruby! (Our supplier doubled-up our order so we had about 50.)
I would suggest a good heavy mulch after the ground temp. gets around freezing. What is hard on plants is the changing temperatures. The mulch will keep them even.
Uncover after the ground has warmed & will not freeze again.
Good Luck,

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Bernie, you're absolutely right,,,duh,,,old timers disease...again. The pink pictured above is Sweet Dreams. American Dream is the perennials that's been around for years, much like the Moonbeam, only solid pink with yellow center.

The growth rate and habit of the Sweet Dreams and Limerock Ruby are that of an annual,,,and I'll be very surprised if either come back, although I do plan on mulching heavily...just in case.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I am glad to see this discussion pop back up. I am going to check with my plug supplier tomorrow and see if they have changed the status of Limerock Ruby. I am zone 8 and our last three winters have been very mild and I grew this last summer already and I am inclined to believe they are going to have to change this to an annual. Bernie, it didn't last here either. I haven't heard of anybody getting it through the winter. I wonder how it does in California or Florida where a frost is even rare.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Has anyone found it to have viable seed????

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I thought I would add my two cents worth to this. Apparently in the world of growers and hybridizers this has been quite the disaster. I was at a greenhouse wed. that I had never been too and was very tempted to buy one of these plants. The owner was nice enough to be honest with me and also share that he had purchased approx. one hundred last fall because they were so popular and lost all but 5. If Pintree refunded your money that rapidly I am impressed, it means they jumped right on it to make it right with their customers. His wholesale supplier has told him that it is one of those "this can not be happening tales" for the company that introduced them. Apparently the patent and everything was a mistake and it will of course be one of those things that takes forever to straighten out.

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Ouch, I bought one a few weeks ago for my perennial bed. Well, guess I'll hope for the best and dig it up and bring it in for at least next year - but, I'm not in a digging mood considering all my glads and cannas that need to be dug and the daylilies that need to go in.

Cortlandt Manor, NY(Zone 6a)

Home Depot has tagged their L.R. as "tender perennial".

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

All of my coreos die in winter and come back. Would limerock be any different for me here in z7b? Been wanting to try it- should I?

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Berrygirl, at this point I don't think anyone knows if it will come back or not, in any zone. I've been trying to collect seed and I've cut the plants back twice, but I can't find anything that looks like a seed. Even as an annual its worth the effort...just a blooming crazy plant, but not if I can collect seed...

Has anyone found seed yet?

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Have 10 of them and cant see seeds but then I am a rookie at tyhis seed gathering.

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