
rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Does anybody have experience with this tree? I first saw them as street trees in Quito, and heard sometime after that they could survive winters here. They aren't supposed to fruit this far north though.
Can they be kept indoors over winter to keep fruit from dropping?
Any basics? Thanks.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Dennis, I have a potted loquat. It is about 3 yrs or so old and has not fruited yet. I keep it in the ghouse during the winter, too. (But I only heat to about 50º in there so wonder if that is why.)

It is also tall (5' or more) and slow-growing so maybe I should go ahead and give it good dose of food now that the weather is warming up.

I'll get in touch with the guy I got it from and see if he can offer some tips.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

personally, i have not grown it. hope this link will help ...http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/loquat.html , http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/crops/loquat_factsheet.shtml

La Mesa, CA(Zone 10a)

you may want to reconsider this one; i have a loquat tree abt 15' tall in semi shade and it drops leaves continuously. the fruit is very small and all goes to the birds (finches and mockingbirds mostly) bees love it in the spring but I would rather have almost anything else in it's place. At best it is a second rate yard tree.

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Thanks everyone. Ma Vie, interesting links! I think it will survive here for most but the coldest winters. It definately won't fruit, but I knew that before it was purchased.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

david86...I heard ya'll had them growing in Ca all over the place. Sounds like yours is a "nuisance plant" to you.

I still remember my neighbor in Fla having one and don't remember those types of problems you are having. Wonder if I'll have those headaches here in NC. Thanks for the input.

And by the way, WELCOME TO DG!

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