Any suggestions welcome

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I need lots of input here. I'm trying to plan my landscaping around the new house. It's a mess right now, but hopefully by the time the weekend is over, it will all look lots different. I'm going to post several pictures of the house and yard from various angles. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them all. I'm going to post the pictures with a number and tell a bit about what I have planned and whether it's sun, shade, and what direction it faces. Plant suggestions would also be helpful, but remember, I'm in zone 4 in good winters and I can be zone 3 in bad winters. I'm becoming a queen of mulch though, so I can experiment with some plants.

I will welcome all ideas and comments. I'm feeling very overwhelmed and need some input. Posting these will take a bit since I want to add my thoughts and comments with each picture. Please don't stop checking back. I WANT to hear what each and every one of you would do with this mess if it was yours. :)

Here's the first one.

Picture #1 Total front yard, South Facing, Full Sun

There will be a sidewalk from the deck to the driveway, once we get the concrete people back. I'm thinking of planting some shrubs along the edge of where the dirt meets the native grass to define the front yard. Then when you drive up the driveway, you would gradually come into the "groomed" part of the yard. I also have a bed kind of layed out on the east side of the unfinished deck, (right side of pic). This is where I have planted my roses and glads so far, but awaiting the raingutter guy and the guy to finish the foundation covering. Early next week they tell me.

To the left of the unfinished deck, there will be a sidewalk from the deck steps to the driveway. I want to plant sun-loving perennials between the sidewalk and the house, but have to keep in mind that the basement window is also there at ground level. Can't cover it up!

Thumbnail by Joan
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