Bitten yet again!!

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

OUCH!! those pesky spiders keep on biting me!! theyre more trouble than the midges and they seem to love me too :(( what I would give to taste nasty to the insect world !!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

what spiders are these psilo?I hope nothing too big and nasty as I have an absolute phobia about spiders....especially the big hairy ones...and to find out that there are some that bite's too much...I'll never venture outside again...or do they live indoors?... then I'll never sleep easy in my bed.As it is ,in the autumn I have to virtually strip the bed before I get in , just in case one of those big black monsters has taken up residence in it!!....

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

dont know sue. I am told that it is probably from a wolf spider. I have been bitten several times up on the allotment. It comes from kneeling in the dirt as I m no good at crouching! I dont mind spiders at all. Its a good job really as there are thousands up my allotment. But I take exception to them biting me. They are not very big though sue. Only about 2cms at the most. You can tell a spider bite because they leave 2 puncture wounds. The midges, which swarm up on the plot love me too. I smell of lemons everytime I leave the house!! LOL
Dont worry though sue.Im sure you are perfectly safe. Just dont go rolling in the dirt! :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm lucky, in that the mozzies seem to ignore me, I can't smell too good!...I remember one barbie we had ,most people got bitten to pieces, and they came up in huge lumps, and I'm talking HUGE..and I had not a single bite!
you had me chuckling with the thought of me rolling in the dirt,how did you guess that it's my favourite past-time?not too keen when it's wet though, gets a bit messy !!!...LOL

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

With midge bites and I guess all other bites really the theory goes that it is not what you smell/taste like that determines how often you get bitten. Apparently everyone gets bitten the same but some people react to them more than others!

I love rolling in the dirt too sue. Think I must have been a hippo in an earlier life!!! LOL

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

spiders do bite and some can be as painful as a wasp/bee sting.

I hate spiders but my birds love them - to eat that is. those ugly fat ones that live in dark corners - not house spiders - I detest.

anyway ... yesterday one was hiding in something I was about to use so I rushed into the house and got a pair of forceps to catch it and feed to the birds. well .. you should have seen it biting the forceps and small amounts of venom coming out of the fangs

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

yes mark the time before this the spider that bit me really hurt, but the first I knew of this one was later in the evening when I felt it throbing!

I quite like spiders. I am certainly not afraid of them and why feed them to the birds when they do so much good in the garden. Its the hugh ones in the bath that are the worse. They run so fast that you cant catch them and keeping hold of them is tricky as they struggle to get through your fingers.

I saw a curious sight the other day. A spider about a cm long was towing a live ant on a bit of silk. When the spider stopped the ant stopped. Couldnt quite work out what was going on. Maybe the spider thought it easier to make the ant walk to his web instead of struggling to carry him??

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

thamk god I don't live there Ulrich, I'd be living inside a bubble, evn when the picture came up I shuddered, and soon took it off!!!.....oh horrid, horrid things!!...I try to live with them ,but I only have to see something that looks ,or moves like one, and I freak..and that's no imagination!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

the one I fed to one of my birds the other day is Amaurobius similis which comes under the 'house' spider umbrelle. here's the ugly beast

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