Sweet Autumn Clematis Is Climbing Tree.....

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Good Morning!

I have a Sweet Autumn Clematis that has climbed a clump birch to about 15 feet into the trees. My husband insists this vine will eventually choke out the trees and kill them.
Is he right or wrong....?!



San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

is that the one with white flowers? with the name montana or something like that?

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Sounds like Clematis paniculata, blooms on Autumn, with vanilla-scented tiny flowers, and very many of them. Won't hurt the tree at all. If you are really concerned, the vine can be cut down after blooming, and will regrow rapidly the following year.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

I agree...clematis (all the ones I'm familiar with) will not harm a flea!...lol They ramble a little, twisted slightly and mainly use their leaf stems (for lack of a better term) to grab on to things. Clematis is NOT like the dreaded ivy. I won't grow ivy if you paid me to. Too much trouble for me. I've seen hedera helix (english ivy I think) clminbing all over creation in many neighborhoods because people plant it and forget about it...then it goes wild. You won't get that out of a clematis no matter how hard you try. I say leave it in the tree and enjoy it :) I understand his concern though.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Sandy, I had the autumn climatas growing up my live oak trees, it gotso thick that it shaded out too many of the leaves. It must have been 30 feet tall. I waited til it froze back in the winter and dug it out and moved the root to an ailing mesquite tree. It is starting to climb on it now, and will look lovely there with the dead tree as a scaffold. keep an eye on yours to see that it is not cavering all the leaves in your tree. Good luck. Margie Lou

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