Ribes for Mark

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

........no not those horrid pink things LOL

This is the Ribes odoratum I was trying to describe to you.
The scent is unbelievable - it fills the whole of the lower end of the garden on a still day and is deliciously spicy.
True it's a little untidy growing, but with fragrance like this and good autumn colour too I can forgive it quite a lot!

Thumbnail by philomel
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Another view.....

Thumbnail by philomel
Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

do they smell like the pink ones? I like their lip stick

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

the only thing I can remember about flowering currants, is when I used to walk to the park with my Mum, the path used to be bordered with them, and the overpowering smell of cat-pee!!
Because of that I've never consisdered them as an option, in fact didn't even know that there was a yellow flowering one.It's really pretty. I'm trying to get more scented plants into my garden,i.e. honeysuckles,old roses , sweetpeas.
When I have to look after Ray's garden next door, when he's away,as you walk in,the scent of the honeysuckles is fantastic,his garden is lower then mine, and more enclosed,but the scent is magical, almost hypnotic.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I did try to describe the scent above - it is NOTHING like cats' pee (or pink Ribes)!!!
If you want something to fill the air with heady spicy scent NOW, this is your shrub. It fills in part of the gap between the winter flowering scenteds like Mahonia, Sarcococca and Lonicera fragrantissima and the summer flowering honeysuckles, old roses, sweet peas etc

The scent is not as cloyingly sweet as many of the viburnums, but it can certainly knock your socks off on the right day. Spicy is the closest I can get - wish I could bottle some and post it lol

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

This shrub is still really going it with great swathes of blossom. It's heavenly working at that end of the garden as the scent is overpowering - except the wind is so strong today it's blowing it away :(

Thumbnail by philomel
Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

they really do look good. I wish I now had a garden to put a piece into.

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