Full house !!................

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Help, I do the same thing every year, and every year I say that I won't do it the next !
I sow way too many seeds, grow way too many plants,I just can't help myself, it's an obsession...albeit a good one, or so I think, hubby's not too sure as he struggles to find a path through to the patio doors dodging the seed trays in the sunlounge.
I'm struggling for space now, and I still have loads more to sow, and to prick out,
Wonder if my neighbour would mind if I took over his greenhouse for a bit?...hhhmmm....now ,he's got a nice big impressive one...just think what I could do with that!..
you can see from the photos exactly what I mean

Thumbnail by sueone
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

this is the other side, the oncoming seedlings, waiting to be pricked out

Thumbnail by sueone
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

this is the cold frame, with seedlings waiting germination

Thumbnail by sueone
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

and finally , the overspill from the grrenhouse, just hoping and praying that we don't have any really cold spells!!.. if so, they'll have to join us in my bedroom!!,nowhere else for them to go!

Thumbnail by sueone
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, certainly an overflow situation there sueone!! :)
They're going to keep you busy

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hi Sueone...I can't believe your pictures....it's as if I'm looking at my own garden...just the same, even to the bricks in the mini greenhouse (because strong winds blew them over last year?)I have an almost identical collection of seeds in containers awaiting germination, germinated, and waiting to be pricked out....in fact I started pricking out yesterday.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Oh..Sueone..you have a spareroom for me...?? LOL.But sure you must be very busy with it. I always sow to many too.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Marigold, that's exactly why they are there.
I lost all my seedlings the year before when it was flipped in hugh winds, I was gutted, hubby and kids were trying to scoop up all the compost and put it back into pots!!..
I would have a spare room Saya, but...it's full at the mo with my daughter home..along with all her junk...:-)
Still at least it keeps me out of trouble Philomel, I sit on my little stool, like a little ( or rather large) gnome,surronded by pots and copost,pens and labels.

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

must to show this on my mom......
maybe she relax little bit....hehheh.

ps: I truely love your place......nice place for plant growing..

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Sueone, last year I had 3 mini greenhouses hurtling down the garden, and lost everything......I was inconsolable and cried for hours. I weigh them down with bricks and DH has tied them to the wall so it never happens again. He had never seen me so upset about anything.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I know marigold, it is heart breaking, daft, but true.
Thanks Mitjo,don't show your Mum, she might get worried about you growing even more plants in the future, taking over the whole house !....
I must say, your's and Evert's English is excellent.

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

ok, I show that then when my mom says that I have too much plants........I show Evert seedling shelf too.

thanks, I didn´t know that is good...

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