Help with bell peppers

Hamilton, Canada

How long for bell peppers to sprout? Do you start your's with bottom heat? Mine just aren't doing anything and these are from new seed packages and its been a month.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Heat, heat, and more heat. I have the hardest time getting peppers to germ! They really need constant high heat (80* preferably) and a bit of moisture.

Heat mats really help, and covers of some kind over the seed to hold that heat/moisture in.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Ssssshhhhh - my pepper seeds apparently don't know they're supposed to be difficult. So let's not tell 'em :o)

Maybe it is the heat - I use heating cables (or the top of my upright freezer when space on the heating cables is at a premium), and I've never had them take more than a week or so to germinate, every year.

I don't do anything special, other than I LIGHTLY cover them (just barely with a pinch of finely ground sphagnum), and then use a plastic dome to keep in the humidity.

Hamilton, Canada

I have them on heating cables. Guess I better put them in plastic baggies! My tomato and tomatillo seeds came up in 2-3 days and I have flats of seedlings everywhere under lights...its those darn peppers that are giving me a hard time! Time to put those peppers on the heating mat!

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Phooey! I hoped this would be about how to make them bear fruit, instead of just grow huge plants. Better start my own...

Lexington, NC(Zone 7a)

I generally don't plan on setting pepper plants out until at least the first of May. I start the seeds under grow lights and then re-pot as needed. Have had good luck with them.


(Zone 5a)

I don't use a heating pad but do use a rooting medium when I start my seeds and they turn out fine. I just plant them in those peat cyclinders and once they start to grow I set them by my south window keeping them moist until time to plant.

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