PVC Light Stand Disaster

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Those of you who built the PVC light stand, make sure you either glue or screw the joints together.
I thought mine fit so tight I didn't need to. I was wrong, mine collasped this morning and I lost 4 weeks of starts and cuttings.

I lost 2- 96 cell flats plus a bunch of other stuff.
When I built mine 2 years ago I used a rubber mallet to pound the joints together, they really fit tight. I guess over time they work loose, I found out the hard way.

I screwed all my joint together with 1" drywall screws this morning.If I need to take mine apart I will just unscrew it.

Check yours, I don't want anyone to go through what I did.


Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

Paul thats awful.. do you need any seed?? Have lots of different things I can share.. Bon

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Paul! So sorry to hear that! Is there anything I can replace for you?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

paulgrow: I am sorry and I think you are to be commended for sharing this mini tragedy. Getting the rubber mallet out right now. Thanks

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the Heads up!I too thought it was a great fit,and I even bought the glue when I built it,just never used it,so I'll get right on it!

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I was thinking about building one and I wondered if you had to glue or screw it together...I figured it would be ok just pounded together like you did.I hate to learn from someone elses disater but I did.And If I can do anything to help replace what you lost let me know....

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I have seeds if you need something, just holler. what a crummy break. so sorry

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Paul, I'm sorry for your loss and probably a BIG mess! My cart would easily sway from side to side (it was way too tall) and it had no glue or screws!

I recently shortened a part of it and DID glue some parts, not all. Maybe I should rethink that now. I was like rootdoctor ~ bought the glue, but never used it until a few weeks ago. I just glued the base, middle layer and top layer. I didn't want to glue the height pipe since I like to adjust the height.

If you want something, I'd be happy to share anything I have with you. What a tragedy! But, thanks for sharing as a GREAT reminder to the rest of us.

I think I posted here once about the time I answered a phone while siphoning a fish tank. The contents of my salt water tank were soaked into the carpet ~ YUCK!

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Paul - you didn't say what you lost, I'm sure we could all pitch in to help you. You probabably had some super special things that might be hard to replace tho.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks to all of you for your offers to help replace seeds.
I've bought more and am starting over.

I just hope those of you who built the PVC stand either glue or screw the joints together. I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone else.

The DG family are special people.


OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Have noticed a weakness in the middle; mine kinda droops; should have had more support vertically but the support would get in the way of putting trays in and out.

It is not glued either; like the idea of screws better as then it could still be taken apart.

Had 1 gallon pots stacked on the very top of it! DH said, " you better not do that" . . . took them down. So glad he said something.

Thanks for the tip about the screws!


Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I notice mine sags also, I'm thinking about a solution that doesn't interfer with pots or flats.
If I do I'll post it.


Olympia, WA

Is there a link to a diagram for this stand???

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Heres a link to the site where the orginal plans came from.
You will want to modify it to fit your needs


Olympia, WA

Thanks, Paul - I appreciate the link!!!!! (and the advice - )

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