Alocasia Macrorizza division

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a bulb with Three Pups.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Remove pups leaving as many roots as possible

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Repot,leaving one pup to keep the bulb producing.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

Great stuff, Root.

These plants are fascinating.


Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Adam,Thats your baby on the left,let me stabalize him,and I'll send him on a trip,LOL

New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

You da Doc, Doc. Take your time.

Your Prunus serulata ought to be safe to send in about 3 weeks.


Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm sure he will be fine by then,did I send you the pic of the mature one?

New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

Yeah, you did..., ASTOUNDING!

I hope I can give this a good home to get results similar.


Grass Lake, MI(Zone 5a)

Root, can I get on your list for a pup down the road.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

You sure can!I think everyone needs one of these guys,just be ready to deal with them as a big bulb(With winter dormancy)or a very big house plant!I do both,they will take so muck water they drip from the leaves. :)
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I didn't know by leaving one pup would keeping it producing.You mean if you had removed all three pups-it would stop producing?

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

No Coke,it would slow down considerably,leaving one pup keeps the photosynthesis going on in the bulb,I have never lost a bulb by removing all pups,I just find they make a faster recovery.Here is one,with one pup,this bulb could be a handfull if I didn't keep it semi-dormant,in spring I will pull this pup.hope this helps,there is a bulb on the right that I will snap off and give away.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

oh man, I wish I'd known that before I divided my EE.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

You'll be fine tiG,they are'll be crawling with babies soon,LOL(Evil laugh knowing he has unleashed a beast!)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

this is a pretty rare one, Black Marble Taro, and I wish I'd known, would rather have more babies fast than several now. But at least it lived and I have another season to get more babies:)

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Black marble is a Colo isn't it?will look it up.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm showing it as a water colocasia,you may need to treat them different then the hard bulb Alos,was it a bulb or runner type?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

bulb. I know nothing about it, except to send a baby back to the daddy.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

oh no, I have terrible luck with them in water. I'll write Eclipse (the daddy) and ask if he grew his in water. It's a beautiful ear, I just love it.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I looked,that is a very nice one,my guess, and it is a guess,is that is proogates from runners,Kyle will know for sure.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

tiG, just grow it in a pot if you want and sit the pot in a big saucer of water. It will grow like crazy. I don't have this one, but Kyle told me to keep some of mine going that way and they just grew like crazy. The one you are trying to grow is a good one for growing in a pond. At least that is what I found online.

Thank you for sharing your pictures & knowledge.

This message was edited Friday, Mar 21st 11:42 PM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I kept my black marble directly in the pond right up to the top of the pot and it did great last year. Thats how it was planted when I got it, so I just did the same thing. I'll put it back in there in a couple more weeks.

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