Morning has broken.....

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

and thank goodness. The sun is actually shining after the deluge all week. What an awful day we had yesterday. We were under the threat of tornadoes but it didn't come to that. Instead we had dreadful storms, flash flooding and one terrific bolt that knocked our power out. Lost elec at 5.30 in the afternoon and were woken up in the wee hours of the morning (2.30) by a phone call. It was from the electricity company to ask whether our power had been restored!!!!!! Yes, thankyou I said, apparently it has!!!! Took me an age to get back to sleep. Ah well, it's another day today and I'm ready for the fray. A trip to the doc this morning and then the rest of the day to myself. Hope you all have a good one :-)

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good day folks! Still no rain and dry! Welcome back shelia! I bet you had a lovely trip. Louisa, glad your storm is over!! How are the rest of yall doing today? Hope all is well! See ya, Lisa

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

It's been cool,barely in the 60s the past few days and down in the 40s at night, with rain off and on besides! This afternoon had 10 minutes of hail! And I still have tons of seeds to plant. A week ago we had 2 days in the 80's! I have a feeling it's getting too late to get the annuals in now! The seedlings that have come up now are just sitting there. Oh well, it has to get better. Doris PS. How late is too late for summer bloom?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Doris first of all it was a very long winter and Spring couldn't make up it's mind whether to stay or leave. Then days and days of rain and now storms. It's no wonder the plants have fallen behind. Did the hail do much damage to your garden? Don't worry Summer will arrive and will take us all by storm.....(oops excuse the pun). Today was so nice after the last week and the spireas actually sent out some colour and are all look great. I'm after Spirea Little Princess now - so pretty. Hope it improves for you Doris. By the way, my sister lives in Arizona and had temps of 109 yesterday. I think I will take the rain:-)

Its been sunny and warm here all week, and its hot today, not as hot as you are but still hot for here, see ya later.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Yes! I will take the rain any day compared to 109 degrees! However do they manage in those types of heat? I take it they don't have much in the way of gardens. The hail didn't last more than a few minutes, it just melted soon as it hit the ground. More rain off and on all day, same tomorrow. Usually I don't mind rain, but I'm frustrated because all the planting isn't done yet! How is your kitty doing? Is he able to get around ok? My son's cat, Heathcliff also has kidney problems. He's 16 years old. The vet put him on a special diet, it seems to help a bit. They gave their other cat Old Agnes to my daughter. This way she doesn't annoy Heathcliff since he hasn't been well. Doris

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Alan - how nice to see you again. Hope you are having an enjoyable holiday. Doris would you believe that Rosie123 from Arizona has a beautiful garden. Not at all like we would imagine - she grows lovely roses. Don't know how but she does. I suppose it's because there is hardly any humidity there just a dry heat. Thanks for asking about Brandy. He is doing pretty well and sometimes even acts like a kitten. Other days, a bit low. We have to expect it. I'm sorry to hear that Heathcliff is in the same boat, poor love. Try and get as much fluid into him as possible. I use a syringe to administer water a few times a day with Brandy. He hates it of course but at least he's getting it. My vet told me just to let him eat exactly what he fancies - which we do, along with the KD dry diet. The more soupy the cat food the better. We did the walk through on the house today - keys tomorrow. The rain stopped for most of the day but has started again and would you believe another week of rain and storms, whilst England is basking in all that glorious sunshine.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Just trying to clear my head after three exams and one interview this week. Why do I do it I ask myself? Got results to wait for. And, ahem, more exams in June, and assignments to do.
Going to try and do my tubs this weekend. House is a tip...
Morning all!!!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Diane - so glad the slog is over for you. I hated exams. Get out in the lovely sunshine now and relax. Have a wonderful day.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm glad someone has got warm and sunny weather! Louisa, I think it's time to switch and take our nice weather back from them! I"ve got the heat on and I'm still cold. Hope the weather gets better where you are on moving day! Doris

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Doris I can't believe the weather we are having. I am sick to my eye teeth of this rain. I mean it's not like it's a shower or anything - just sheets of the stuff. So yes, we had another deluge this morning but it is easing off. I really do sound like a broken record and I know all this talk of rain is getting boring. We are going to load the van up this morning with items I don't want the movers to take and make two or three trips today. The house is not far, just 20 minutes away. Tomorrow hubbie gets the Uhaul truck for two days and we move the plants and the cats' stuff etc. The moving company will be here on Tuesday. Our first night in the new house will be Monday sleeping on a mattress on the floor!!!! What fun!! I want to take the cats to the house before the movers come and get them orientated with their new surroundings and also to keep them out of the way. By the way, the new grass is doing well - thanks to all this rain!!!!!! I'm so ungrateful!! Wishing you all happy holidays and a lovely long weekend.

rain, i know that one, we had a year of it, but the sun has been shining here, :).

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan at very long last the sun came out :-)

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Had 2 down pours today with a wee bit of sun, but ground so waterlogged it's difficult to plant! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Louisa, sounds like much fun, sleeping on the floor on a mattress! No doubt you'll end up with 2 cats curled up with you! Have a good move!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Doris - same old, same old!!! Do you have a greenhouse? Just a thought - if you do you could be working in there since it is too wet outside. Dismantling the computer tomorrow and probably won't be on line again until some time next week, depends on dh. By the way, not two cats but three :-) Our last night in this house - I shall miss these wooded acres, the deer and all the birds and critters who have become such welcome guests. I hope the new tenants feed the birds. Take care and hope the sun shines for you soon.

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