Wildlife observations march 7th

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

......to pinch your titling Mark :)

I moved the nyger feeder up to a spot by the garage yesterday, much closer to the house. This morning there is a very handsome male siskin feeding at it!! Yeah

Oh and lots of arum leaves up everywhere and the bluebells are getting well into leaf too.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

My first daffs are in flower,much later than normal, and there was a butterfly on them yesterday, first I've seen this year.
Lentern roses are flowering too,the first time, they were seed raised.
Primroses are out, and celandines.
clematis montana on the north wall is breaking into bud (the one on the north wall always seems to be the first in bud, and last to loose it's leaves)
Lots of things are nosing their way through the soil, half of which I can't remember waht I planted there!A lot of my other clematis are breaking into bud too, and the roses.
I'm still waiting for something to light on my niger feeder ,it seems to be going down, but I never see anything there.
It was glorious yesterday,spent the morning sat on front door step tweaking pots on steps.the bulbs look lovely, mini daffs, crocuses,hyacinths,and my fav iris 'Pauline'

This message was edited Friday, Mar 7th 4:01 AM

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

all my hardy geraniums are waking up and the first crop of geranium seed germinated yesterday yeessss!!!!!!!!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Nothing's blooming here yet, but I saw the first puddles of this Spring, so I decided that Spring started today. :) It was nice and sunny day, and we had +1,5 C in shade. Nicey, I hope it will stay over or at least close to 0 C everyday from now on..

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

OK it's now the 10th, not the 7th
There have been siskins around all day today sharing the niger with the goldfinches. The blutits are still busy dangling from anything they can find to dangle from and thoroughly showing off

There's a pair of blackbirds busy building, wrens whizzing in and out of the open shed door and robins doing the same in the garage

Spring is definitely springing :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Couple of daffs coming out. The blackbirds aren't building yet but the male has been pottering about near the Viburnum where they nested last year, and the female has been feeding on the suet that I put out for the birds to feast on.

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