
Palmyra, PA(Zone 6a)

I purchased a little 4 shelf "greenhouse" for my south-facing french door. I'm very worried about my impatiens getting damp-off. My jiffy pots are not drying out. All the seedlings (or at least most of them) have germinated. What's my next step? Open up the plastic and let them breathe? Also, I have some others waiting to germinate, but there's a few with a fuzzy covering over the seed. Do I need to worry about that? I'll appreciate any and all advice!! I'm fairly new to this. 2 years ago I raised some seedlings without any extras and they did just fine, but I still am nervous, even with my "greenhouse" and heat mat! :)

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi, looks like it is time to remove the plastic covering. Remove the heating mat from the seedlings that have come up. Remove the 'fuzzy coverings' with tweezers, and mist with a chamomile tea spray. The seedlings need some fresh air. Keep the soil damp for the seeds not yet started; if the surface becomes dry, spray it with the chamomile tea. Does the greenhouse have it's own lighting? The south-facing window may be giving you too much sunlight for the new starts. Try moving back away from such direct sunlight til the seedlings are more mature. Yes, you want lots of light, but only indirect light right now. Good gardening!

Palmyra, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, golddog. At this point I have not purchased lighting, as the "professional" at the greenhouse told me that with a southern exposure, I would probably be alright. I have not given the seeds direct sunlight (I've been keeping the shades closed while the seeds germinate) I will remove the fuzzy stuff. Why the chamomile tea? I'll try it :) Thanks, again.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Chamomile tea works for damping off, when the seedling just comes up and the stem turns to mush.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Get yourself a combination thermometer and for measuring humidity. That way you know immediately if it is to hot or too damp in there. Amazing how much it can fluctuate.
I took the plastic covers off my mini green houses for now. I will use them once I move them outside.

Plus you need air flow and will not get it with the covers on.

How would you like to be zipped up in one of those INSIDE the house? LOL

(edited for spelling!)

This message was edited Sunday, Mar 2nd 11:45 AM

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