I gotta diploma

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I got my latest results from uni today. I passed the Multimedia Design module that I did in the autumn. This means I now have a Postgraduate Diploma in Computing. I should be able to start my Project soon, which should, hopefully, lead me to my M.Sc.

Lappeenranta, Finland(Zone 3a)

good for you! I wish you luck for the project!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Tthank you Mitjo!

Excellent news Northerner! Well done, you worked really hard for it

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well done - that's brilliant news after all the problems and fighting with authorities!! Good luck with the MSc :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Baa and Philomel!!!!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

well done northener, you should be really proud of yourself,

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Good to see you posting again, and many congratulations.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Sue and Marigold!

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Northerner, congratulations. What's our next move?

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Great NEWS Northerner!!!!!

Gongrats of the highest level from here :-D

Now go and get that M.Sc., it gets easy from here in :-)

Wintermoor (Dipl. Eng. Ship.)

Thumbnail by Wintermoor
Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Congratulations, Northerner! YOU DID IT!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I start my project soon. Having a few days off to catch up on hosuework (a very untidy house - yuk) and relax. went to Yarm today, a market town 10 miles from Middlesbrough, glorious sunny day, relaxed with a nice lunch and a walk beside the river.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

From me also my very best and big congratulations to you !

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Saya! I'm making hay while the sun shines as it were and enjoying a saunter round some of the local beauty-spots as they enjoy the spring sunshine. Visited Stokesley today, a pretty market-town just ten miles south of Middlesbrough. The gardens are a mass of snowdrops.

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