Potting on seedlings. Need advice.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Ok, seedlings up and ready to be potted on before they start getting real leaves. I assume that they come out of the propagator where there is heat and move under just lights. Question is, do you leave on a plastic dome over the potted on seedlings or what? Maybe leave dome on partially to keep humidity high for a few days?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

FuschiaFan, You didn't mean that you were going to transplant the seedlings before they have their first true leaves did you. And when you do transplant handle the little plants by their leaves not stem. I leave the plastic dome one for a couple of days at least then crack open for a day or two. You will have sturdier plants the cooler you can keep them. My pansies are just beginning to show their true leaves. I just realized I haven't planted my pepper seeds so must do that tomorrow. Good luck, and if I can help you any more ask. rutholive (Donna)

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

So, move the babies out of propagator to cooler, lighted, covered spot and when true leaves show then prick out and pot on individual seedlings? Protect seedlings with humidity for a a few days and taper off of protection? We're practically neighbors!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I never transplant my seedlings until they have at least 4 leaves. Once transplanted I don't cover them any more. Just wait till the weather is better and put out to get acclimated for a week or so before planting.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Fuschia you shouldnt pot them on until they have true leaves. Why are you starting seeds so early?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I start mine in February although early, I love seeing something grow inside this time of year and have had great luck with strong healthy plants once they go into the garden.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

I've had my best luck trasplanting when the first set of leaves are on, and keeping them in the same enviroment for a few more days.
Mark, we all seem to get anxious for a little green and growing stuff come February! Some of the things we want to grow need a bit of a head start, too.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey FF! I too end up transplanting things with only their seed leaves. It's my fault though. LOL I just can't bring myself to snip off the over abundant. Over abundant is kind of an understatement as I grow about 400 kinds of new seeds each year. If you use extra care as you move them they will be fine. You need to make sure you remove the lid after they they sprout. Most things don't need a lot of light even if they need light, to sprout. Once you transplant them, just make sure to keep the lights 3-4 inches above the seedlings. Heat is not that important either if they are indoors. Room temperature is fine. Some even like it a bit cooler in the evening. I wish you the very best with them! Isn't it awesome what those little seeds can do??

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I always remove my new transplants from the lights. I give them a couple of days to let the roots grab the soil before I start giving them light again. Have no problems with them wilting by doing that. Good luck with your transplants.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

OK, the seedlings are sitting under lights without the plastic dome. They have 2 small true leaves each so I will wait a bit before potting up. Then I will leave them in same conditions except lower light for 2-3 days before moving them back under the lights. Yes, it is a little early, but as stated above I really need something green in the winter. Just the mothering instinct I guess.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am glad all is going well. For your zone, I really don't think you are jumping the gun to get them going. I much prefer to put out something with a flower or close to flowering than I do a green clump that seems to make me wait forever! LOL I just moved my growing operation back to the basement so I can paint my bedroom. Most of mine are getting true leaves now and I am starting even more. I swore off starting 400 varieties this year, but it looks like I am getting close again. :O Maybe in a month or so we can trade over abundant babies? LOL

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

400 varieties! Are you out of your mind (LOL)? Can't imagine that you would NEED anything from my paltry 2 dozen types! What could you possibly need that you haven't started? When do you move out of your house into the tent in the backyard?

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