A silly predictament - don't laugh

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone - I have too much to plant, not a lot of space (50 X 150 city lot) and am worried I don't have enough of a sense of style to pull it all together. Right now, on the list are about 150 different kinds of seeds and bulbs.

You know how when you see a yard, and there's that extra little "I like this" when you see it - I'd love to get there rather than it looking like a hodge podge. I don't mean Martha Stewart obsessively organized, more of a pleasing sense of balance.

I have a lot of perennials, this is my second year in the house and I want to put in maybe 75% perennial to ease the work in subsequent years.

What's the best thing to do here - wing it, hoping that it all falls together and doesn't look too sloppy? Beg a friend? Hire someone to sketch it out? I know landscaping businesses make their money with the labor and plant markups - I have the plants and I'll do the work. Are there software programs that help organize? Any advice?

Sorry for sounding so silly about this - but, I'd really like to at least make a stab at doing it right the first time so subsequent years all I need to do is move a few things around.

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