Monkshood: Looking for Information

Mukwonago, WI(Zone 5a)

After looking in the plant data base, I've discovered Monkshood (Aconitum), a plant that I think would work well in the shady area of my yard. I don't know very much about this plant and would welcome whatever cultural information or advice someone may have about it. I did buy some seed last week, only to find that it will take a very long time before I see any results. The packet also stated that germination was very "iffy". Can this plant be propagated by the hosta? If so, is there anyone who might want to do a little thinning out this spring? I could trade some Brugmansia cuttings or seeds or postage. Please email me for my current seed list.
Thank You,

Cortlandt Manor, NY(Zone 6a)

I am currently trying to get these going myself for the spring. This thread may be helpful:

Also - this Co-op has several varieties:

Germination can be erratic and gets worse the older the seed is.

The books say that they will tolerate most soils, we must have an exceptional soil, they hate it and die with a rapidity that makes cheeters seem as slow as snails.

However, they do really well in the north of Hampshire where they soil is slightly alkaline and that have a lot of leafy, fertile humus incorporated.

You probably know already but it's worth saying in case others are reading, they are poisonous!

This message was edited Saturday, Feb 15th 6:34 PM

Mukwonago, WI(Zone 5a)

Thank You All. Your help is appreciated.
...... Renee

Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon,I am in zone 5 and planted monkshood last year (2 bare root stems). Neither of them did anything. I thought the squirrels or rabbits got them (as they did over 50 white tulip bulbs.) I can't see anything at all in the place that I planted it.

well if something did get them it was most likly the last thing they got

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