Texas Blue Bonnet

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

= Lupinus texensis

When should I start them if I want to see them blooming next summer?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Evert, Here in Central Tx, we scatter seeds in the fall, they germinate in Dec or Jan and are in bloom in April. The seed need a little scarifying, rub on sand paper,or shake in bag with course sand, unless the purchased seed are acid treated. If you don't go to this trouble, they will still come up, just takes a little longer. My front yard was a meadow 4 years ago, and is covered with bluebonnets every spring. I try not to mow until the seed pods explode and reseed the yard. Good luck, they are a beautiful site, and smell sweet too!
SEEYA, Margie Lou, aka Queen of Dirtland LOL

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I see. So I'd better start them now or in March? Our lupins bloom in May/June. They're bigger ones, Lupinus polyhpyllus. Showier, but not as pretty as TX ones.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Evert, if you stratisfy them now, for a minimum of 4 weeks, you may get them to bloom still yet! Texas doesn't have too many feezing days a year, and a cold refrigerator setting would probably work for you. If now, remember where you planted them, and you will have them the following year!! Good luck!!


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Do they have to be cold stratified?

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

They need to have some cold weather, yes.


Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

What I do to the seeds, and it has worked real well for me, is I 'torture the seeds' I pour hot water on them, then freeze them, and let them thaw, and then I repeat the process a couple of times. Since they are planted in the Fall, they go through stratification naturally...but the 'torture' helps them. I would think, in your case, planting them now would work. Good luck with them, people (Texans) used to tell people that Bluebonnets, would only grow and bloom in Texas...that isn't true, they will grow and bloom, elsewhere, just not nearly as pretty as here in Texas. But try them anyway.

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