late daffs

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Has anyone noticed how late some of the bulbs are coming through this year?
Most years the daffs are through before Christmas, and flowering in late jan/feb.this year however,I've got loads that are only just poking through the soil, do they know something we don't?
It's been fab the last few days,beautiful in the sunshine,i've been sat on my little stool,clearing a nd weeding a little patch each day.
My neighbours moved out yesterday,they're only just going down the road, they had to move as the Church Tust, who owned the house just had to sell it,as they needed the money!!Poor Lisa was gutted, and the kids.Their front garden had loads of flowers in that we'd planted last summer, so she dug up the foxgloves and some otheres and gave them to me to put back in my garden,so's she could come back to enjoy them this summer.We used to have on the spur of the moment barbies in the summer, or share a drink over the back fence.the kids used to hop over to and fro,it was fun for all,they'll be sadly missed, they were a great couple, even if they were northeners ! :-)
Has anyone else started their seed sowings yet? I've put loads in my cold frame, and just starting to fill the propogator.Loads of fun pricking this lot out when they come through.
Had to get hubby to clear the greenhouse last weekend, much to his disgust,then I went in with the hose to hose it down. He was stood in the door watching me, when a HUGE black spider ran up the side.Now, not being a lover of spiders ,in fact having an absolute hate of them,I went loopy!!!...screaming for him to let me out,he didn't move, so I pushed him hard, and ran off down the garden.still ,it's all ready now to recieve all those little plants.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Your spring is further ahead than mine! I don't generally see many daffs in flower till March or so. Though I did see one in flower in a neighbour's garden a few days ago. We still have some snow lying here. No snow today but not mild enough to melt the snow that was lying.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

But doesn't it make your heart sing when you see those flowers, here further North are the snowdrops.

Thumbnail by Southmede

Beautiful sunshine but brass monkeys here. Only bulbs that are flowering so far are the Snowdrops but also have a Hellebore, orange Cowslip, Prims, Celendines and Violets blooming.

I have barely sown anything this season, this weekend is my set date to plant out a bundle of seeds but first I must work out how to keep the local wildlife from devestating the lot again.


Spring down here is usually about 2 weeks earlier than the north and midlands. Our Daffs aren't out yet but we tend to buy the late Feb to April flowering cutivars anyway. Saying that one has a bud right now.


Lovely Snowdrops!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I'm amazed - we have snow, snow and more snow and we don't get unforced flowers until March or even April. I have some daffodils on the balcony, protected by Christmas tree branches, and they are through but it will be Easter before they even think about flowering. We can expect some wild snowdrops (actually, snowflakes here, not drops) in the fields later this month (if they can make it through all this snow). Until then we have to enjoy the beautiful patterns of the snow on the trees instead.

Still, I walked into the village in a snowstorm yesterday and there was a little bird singing away in a tree - so it's either round the bend or knows something we don't (and I doubt it was a robin - we don't see those here)!!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have Narcissus 'Cedric Morris' in bloom. It's about 2 months late. Many snowdrops are now over for the year but there are plenty coming up. Tulips are showing flowers. Celandines well under way with some flowering. Snowflakes -Leucojums- about to flower. First Crocus in bloom. I only have species. I'll take a photo tomorrow. Cant remember the name. It has 3 brown petals and 3 blueish ones.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Mark, I'd love some advice, I'm going to try some snowdrops again,any advice on me trying to keep them this time? What sort of soil do you plant yours in? it looked to be in full sun,does it dry out in the summer?i'm determined to have some!!And keep them.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Wellll, they will do in either sun and dappled shade but last longer, as in flowering stage, when in shade. Soil isn't very important but extra leaf mould helps and no water logging.They dont like being dried out in the summer, unless they are the Greek snowdrops, because roots begin growth by August. Dont plant them where you will walk in the summer months because they dont like compacted soil. Dont buy them in the green but try and buy them in bulk as soon as they hit the shops.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

cheers Mark, think that was where I was going wrong, my front garden is well drained and quite hot and dry in the summer.Perhaps I should get my daughter to bring some back from Greece when she next comes home for a visit, I didn't know you could get ones from Greece.
when you say buy them in bulk when they hit the shops ,you means as bulbs,right? The books all tell you to buy them in the green,but I'd rather take the advice from someone who's obviously abit of an expert at growing them, as they know what they're talking about.
What time of year should I be looking? when the other spring flowering bulbs come in?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b) here is what I said on the subject

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

buy them direct from Walkers or someone like that. I buy specialist snowdrops in the green which is a bit of a contradition

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