sitting in the sun....ahhh..bliss

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I spent this morning sat in my gazebo in the gaden in the sun-shine, and it was beautiful and warm.The birds were singing their little socks off,it made you feel good to be alive.
I tried not to look too hard at all the clearing up that needs doing in the garden!Time for that later, it just felt so good to feel the sun on my face.
Have you noticed how the sun makes life so much better.
Just been listening to the news also, about 40 years ago,the big freeze.I can just remember parts of it, disappearing in a drift, and my Dad having to pull me out.the back water freezing over,and everyone skating on it,my brother included, who thought he'd go one better ,and skate on his bike!!He soon came a cropper.I wonder if we'll ever see another winter like that again?

Dayton, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Sueone thanks for your mention of sun in England. I am just about to return there (Devon) after being in Florida for nearly 6 months. so am so glad to hear it's sunny!
It's freezing here this morning if that makes you feel better too!

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi Sue Iwas like you yesterday too enjoying the sun on my allotment. I have been so unwell these last few months that feeling the sun on my face is a luxury indeed. I sat on my picnic bench listening to the birds and I was totally at peace for a few moments. Then I remembered that I still had the weeding to do! :)) Spring wont be long but no! please NO SNOW!! :((

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Psilo, sorry to hear that you've been unwell,I hope that you're on the mend now, and starting to feel a bit better,but there's no doubt in my mind,the sun does have a theraputic efect.
fringedweller, well I hope that by the time you return to Devon the weather is still ok. You can't always tell, and I suppose that includes most places ,not just England. Which part of Devon? My daughter now lives in Exeter,and we've been and stayed at a few places down there,I used to go quite a bit too with my Mum and Dad when I was a child.I love the colour of the soil there,the lovely rich red colour.P.S. I imagined that it was always hot and sunny in Florida, obviously not! :-)

Dayton, OH(Zone 6a)

Sidmouth -which is about 12miles from Exeter
I also thought it didn't freeze in Florida - guess there's no where that's perfect!

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